Shapter's Forum Posts

  • You got to love the bulky tech from WH40K !

    Great inspiration for dark sci-fi.

  • For pixel art animation I recommend Pickle

    It's really useful to draw your animated sprites as it is easy to use, has onion skin, real time view of what your animation looks like as you're drawing it and is cheap.

    The only drawback is that there is no layer system, but you dont really need it for pixel art :p

  • Yup, you're right : I used it on a browser based game, it would'nt work with cocoonJS.

    My bad ! ;D

  • Now that's my kind of art ! Kind of a weird mix between christian/WH40K/Tim Burton imagery :D

    As for the CSV plugin you might want to check if it is compatible with mobile exporters, as it is a third party plugin (made by the community I think).

    Also you can import a .CSV file made in excel as a project file from wich you can transfer data to your array (I've never tried it but it seems quite easy).


    Quite a good idea you have there, making an app displaying the moves from a combat game ! It's a good way to keep the players connected to the game even if they're not playing at the moment, like when you play with more than two friends at a time.

    The process with loops is quite straightfoward in C2 but be mindful if you want to export as something else than a browser based app : for example CocoonJS doesnt support the XML plugin.

    I just saw that we can use crosswalk to keep any browser based features while making kind of an .apk app :

    I'll look into your capx as soon as I 've dowloaded the new version of C2.

    And thanks for Agents of a Corporate Empire ! It's my main project for the moment and I have to confess that Papers Please was one of my main inspiration, with the movie posters from Saul Bass.

  • My bad, it works with your text.

    Thanks a lot !

  • Thank you very much my good sir !

    A fast answer with so many brackets ! :p

    The syntax seems good but when I run the layout I get this error :

    "Javascript error!

    Uncaught TypeRrror: Cannot read properly '0' of undefined

    localhost/arr_plugin.js, line 139 (col 17)

    This is either a bug in Construct 2 or a problem in a third party

    plugin or behavior - please report it to the developer !"

    Do you have any clue about this ?

    Here's the updated project file :

  • Hello everyone,

    I'm trying to transfer a JSON file into an array, I've read many forum posts about this but it seems I'm missing something.

    1. On user click AJAX request JSON project file

    2. Array load JSON from AjaxLastData

    3. Use first string to load image from URL and second string to display text

    I may have a problem with the JSON syntax as it's the first time I use it but I have followed Ashley's instruction concerning the "c2array":true.

    Here is the .CAPX, the JSON is in the project files.


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  • Hey,

    I'm interested in your game project, do you have any design documents (one page doc, GDD, scenario, mock ups) already made ?

    I can help with the design of the game mechanics, make 2d assets and also work on concept art but I'd like to know more on this game.

  • Hey Necrokrieg,

    It worked quite well using the Ajax, Xml and array plugins.

    Requested a XML file from dropbox public folder, stored the content of the XML in an array using "for each node" loops (found in the xml plugin) and then loaded images in each objects (cards sprites) usin "for each node" loops once again.

    Here's the code :

    The URL in ajax is PickedLevelUrl because the previous menu was also importing stuff, so in your case it should be a regular URL.

    The only problem was the speed of the wifi while importing the images : I had to build a loading screen and the game wouldnt work if the bandwith was too low ...

    I'm no programmer so I dont know if it's a nice and tidy way to do this ! :D

    May I ask why are you working on ?

  • I need them to use an XML / JSON file because it contains the adresses of the images and potentially their xy positions.

    Are you implying that there is a simplier way to import images in the game without opening C2 ? Base 64 can be an option, I'll look into it !

    As for Xml on android it worked when we tested the game last september, was there any new android update that screwed this up ?

  • Thanks for your answers but I realise my explaination wasn't very clear ...

    Ashley : I'm exporting with cocoonJS on Android.

    Newt : I can't put the file directly in the project as the game customization would be handled by non tech savvy people :(

    In fact i want the people from the museum (not programmers) to be able to modifiy the game graphic assets without opening C2 or making an APK.

    They would be able to modify XML files and put them in a folder on the tab in order to change the game logo, backgrounds and call different game assets that are linked to their current exposition (the assets would be on the tab as well).

    To sum up, I'm making some kind of customizable matching game engine for them, so they can adapt the games to whatever ancient civilization they are exposing.

    It wouldn't be a problem if they had rock solid wifi in the whole building as I have built a prototype that requests XML and assets from a web server but they asked me if it could be done directly from the tab and I'm not sure that it's possible.

    Is it ?

  • Well the first game I made for them used ajax to get a XML file from a server so it wont be very useful to see how it's made.

    Also I dont have the right to put the code online for everyone to see as it became their property at the end of my intership ... Sorry !

    However I can offer a quick peek of the XML import in the game :

    If you want to see what the game can look like please take a look at the "Archeo Pair Match" project on my blog.

    Basically the game graphical assets and some object positions are imported from the XML. Next step is to get them from the Android tablet and not from a server.

    Any ideas ?

  • * Bump *

  • Hello all !

    I'm currently working on a series of customizable mini games for a museum and I'm having trouble to make sure that I can call a XML file from a tablet folder.

    Ajax is used to get files from a web server but I wanted to know if it can be used to get it from the tab and if is it even possible to get a tablet folder adress ?

    If not, are there any alternatives (JSON or whatever)?