shanetrp's Forum Posts

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  • Thanks so much.

  • I am trying to make a game like this one

  • I am trying to make a perimeter game for my math class.

    My idea is to create a sprite and use a repeat loop to spawn it across an image which is a grid.

    The sprite has two frames one white and one a different colour.

    When you click the sprite it changes to the colour frame.

    I can spawn the sprites but the problem comes when I try to count all the perimeter squares only.

    I just want know how not to count the square if it is surrounded by another square on all 4 sides.

    I just want to count the squares on the outside of the shape.

    Thank you for your help

  • Hi,

    I made a level for a game on a level editor called LDTK and it gives the option to save it as a json file and can you load it as json file to Construct 3?

    I am saving it as png at the moment but I just wanted to know can you save it as json and then upload it.

    Thank you

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  • That worked, thank you so much.

  • Hi,

    how do you select a specific animation frame tag using a loop.

    I have a sprite with 15 frames and I want to set an array of width 15 to each animation frame tag.

    I am trying to do this code

    repeat 15

    Set array at loop index to (sprite.animationframetag at loop index)

    Thank you for your help

  • I have a sprite that when it is clicked it adds to a score but if I use on tap object using the touch plugin, there is a slight delay. It registers more points with a mouse click than a touch input.

    Is there a way around this?