Shambrook's Forum Posts

  • so I want the camera to go infront of the character rather then behind them otherwise you can't get a good look at the level as it comes up. I'm using the follow camera technique with the camera following with a lerp command, but have a camera target sticking out infront of my player for it to follow.

    It's working fine if you're just running in one direction, but if you turn around you get this sudden jarring camera shift as it tries to follow. I'm wondering if theres a way around this?

  • i ended up changing the airdash to using "Set X vector" stuff instead of bullet behaviors, and it is working fine now.

  • ,

    Sorry I should have gotten rid of that to make it more clear, the green detection block is used for a completely different function, I thought that it might be doing something weird and deleted it completely and it still behaves exactly the same.

    That's pretty similar to how much wall jump works at the moment, the extra stuff is because I've got it set so when you grab a wall you have to hold away from the wall and hit jump to be able to jump off, and you can hold down while grabbed onto the wall to slide down etc.

    I actually tried completely getting rid of all my wall jump code all together and just leaving the airdash code in there and it still behaves the same way, so the wall jump stuff apparently has nothing to do with it.

  • ok so as far as I can tell, the code I've got for my air dash, and wall grab is the same for going left or right, with the only difference being the angle set of my airdash and what wall is next to you.

    But for some reason if I airdash into a wall on my right, I stick to it (Like I want to happen) but if I airdash into a wall on the left I slide up it for the length of the airdash

    can anyone see what is causing the difference here cause I'm stumped?

  • Hey thanks for the suggestions,

    "If your using the bullet behavior, and has a angle set, the moment you mirror the object, if you apply 700 to the speed should work both ways since the bullet behavior only pushes the object towards its current angle."

    This doesn't appear to be true though, if I set the bullet speed to 700 it will only travel to the right no matter what else is happening?

    You did send me down the path of playing with the angle of motion rather than the speed though, and i ended up solving the problem by having it set the angle of motion to 0/180 depending on weather it's mirrored. ANd now it appears to be working how i wanted, so thanks for prodding me down the right path.

  • So far I have the platform character with a platform behaviour and a bullet behaviour, on pressing x for the air dash dissable platformer input and enable bullet behaviour. And if mirrored set bullet to -700 speed rather then the default +700 speed that it has.

    But for some reason when I do the air dash while mirrored it completely messes up how the mirroring is working, making my character backwards, and then air dashes will go in the opposite direction of how their intended to and I've got no idea why. I've even tried setting the game to mirror/unmirror the character when the air dash is finished but it's still going janked.

  • Less than or equal too worked perfectly, cheers Plinkie.

    Yeah sorry faulknermano I wasn't clear enough, by height I meant it's y position on the map, not the height of the actual object.

  • I want an object to dive down, hit something, then return to it's original height before doing it again.

    I was originally having it do this by drawing a long thing sprite when it started diving and then having it colide with that off a bounce, but that was making it get lower and lower with each subequent dive because of the thickness of the sprite.

    So now I'm trying this with having a variable set itself at the objects y position when it starts the dive, and then checking when it hits a y postion equal to the variable to stop it, but it's not doing anything and I'm not sure why?

  • The beahviour method you posted Alextro kinda had an idea I wanted and it looks like I'll be able to retrofit it into how I want the behviour, cheers.

  • I'm trying to recreate the behaviour of these dive bombing hellicopters from cutmans stage in megaman 1.

    Basically they fly straight then when they get within range they will dive up or down in an arc to hit you.

    So far basically I've got a a bullet behvaiour on the hellicopter, and a big object matched to the hellicopters postion to reperesent it's detection radius, when that colides with the player it creates a target where the player was standing and the hellicopter rotates to target the radius. But I'm stuck on how to get it to do the actually kind of arcing motion when it gets to the target like they do in megaman.

    Any suggestions?

  • So I ended up getting this working, the boolean thing was a huge help but I ended up setting a Boolean value for weather I was in the air or not as well as a boolean for weather the ball was destroyed.

    Ended up coming up with this and it works great

    thanks for all your help.

  • Ok when you say set the boolean after the action you mean when the ball is destroyed right?

    I tried this

    And it's stopped my ball respawn thing all together.

    I've also tried checking for the variable value with the condition 'player is on floor' instead of landed, it keeps the respawn going like it was before, but still if I'm in the air when the ball dies, it doesn't play out the next time I hit the floor.

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  • Ok so I've got a game that's like a cross between break out and a platformer, and whenever you lose a ball, the player charecter throws a new ball to keep the game going. This is what I'm currently using to do it.

    It works fine for the most part as long as you're currently standing on the ground, if you lose a ball when you're jumping or anything other then standing on the ground though it cancels out the action. So I'm wondering how I can make the action play out like next time you touch the ground?

  • Thanks, I ended up solving the problem just by changing 'while left key is down' to 'when left key is pressed' though on the run animation. So that it didn't keep overwriting the attack animation.

  • I'm just using a basic 'while left key is down/player is on ground - play animation runleft' thing going on, but it means that I have a 'on space bar pressed' and 'while left key is down' 'play animation attack left' but the running left animation is still taking priority and the attack animation will only play. How can I make it so that the attack animation will cancel the run animation and play the attack animation instead?