shakeel26's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • I tried by setting as Visible and Invisible , but Once it becomes invisible then never appears untill I no chnage the propertyto visible,

  • Dear! What I have to do is to remove on object on some event and appears another at the same time in the same place , for example, there are four objects on the screen Apple, Ball, Cat and Dog, Now when user Drag "A" to the Apple which is the right answer, Apple + A both removes which i did and "B" appears at the same position where was "A" in the start, and another object like "Monkey" appear where was "Apple" and same from A to Z.

    screen shot is attached.

    In image both A and B appears but I want to show B when A is removed.

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  • Thanks Both ::)

  • Dear ! I made a game using construct 2 , now the game is saved as game.capx , I want to play the game onandroid phone , How can I convert this into .apk in order to try on mobile , kindly explain step wise as I already tried intel xdk but did not get ho to do ,please

  • 4 posts