I am trying to set up an elevator system in a platform game but something is wrong :
I have an elevator object (called "ascenseur") with the following values :
* Active ("Actif") : 0 if out of order, 1 if OK
* Moving ("Marche") : 0 if stopped, 1 if moving
* Floor ("Etage") : 0 = down, 1 = up (that is not the Empire State building elevator )
First I test if the player is on the elevator, if it is stopped, and if the right key is pressed depending of the current floor.
Then I move it with Custom Movement and stop it when it reaches a trigger (called "borneascenseur").
Everything is ok with one elevator.
When I put two of them for instance, the first the player will switch on will work, however the second won't take into account the stop line and will move forever .
I tried to do my best with all that pick/don't pick thing, but I missed something .
Here is the cap file : http://www.sendspace.com/file/g8fu5p