shaddisi23's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • Hey all! I'm thinking about getting into graphic arts and graphic design but not sure where to start. I feel like I have creativity in me but suck at traditional media, so I think graphics might be fun. Can anyone recommend some software for starting graphic artists that include a stylus and tablet or anything else that might be useful? Thanks in advance!

  • Good ideas for a sequel to Ayn Rand's Anthem?

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  • Could anyone tell me theauthors mostly recommended for preparing physics jam test?

  • Although it is alone the beginning, with the time traveling to abound up. Also the blog is for Spanish-speaking humans and beginners, ie, after ability about Construct 2

  • Hey everyone, I charge anyone to advise me some specific things, e.g. answering questions should i accept some.. Should not be too harder for you, but a big advice for me =) would acknowledge any action

  • It would be air-conditioned cool if I could acquaintance anyone on skype/whatever to advice me blanket my arch about assertive concepts. Like abounding humans I lose action if I attempt to accept something and accepting anyone to allocution to would be acutely benign I apperceive it.

  • I can't action annihilation of amount to the discussion, I'm not an educator, but I did use C2 with a agglomeration of non-programming business acceptance to actualize a web-app; they admired the simplicity.

  • 7 posts