SgtConti's Forum Posts

  • However, TCP is perfectly acceptable for non-realtime things, such as multiplayer negotiation, chat messages, score updates, etc.

    Yes, for non-realtime things it would be good, but still lacking the Punch-Through and ICE Servers.

    So you would still be able to achieve more with the official one then with Socket.IO.

    [quote:1id5ciah]ICE stands for Interactive Connectivity Establishment. They are the servers that help peers connect to each other even if they are behind NAT. These include STUN servers (which try to connect peers directly), and TURN servers (which if peers cannot connect directly, will act as a relay forwarding data between them).

    The Multiplayer plugin uses a default list of public STUN servers hosted by Google and Mozilla. You could add your own STUN server, but I don't think there's much point, because the public servers do a good job already.

    The most interesting case is to add your own TURN server. According to stats on our signalling server, about 10% of the time peers cannot connect directly due to NAT restrictions. These peers will simply fail to connect because there are no default TURN servers. If you add your own TURN servers then these peers will be able to connect still. The problem is this can degrade the connection quality, since the latency, packet loss etc. will accumulate since data must first go to the TURN server, then be relayed on to another peer. Also this makes TURN servers expensive to run, because you have to pay for the bandwidth of all the game data that passes through it, whereas normal direct peer connections run through their own ISPs and cost you nothing. Still, the option to add your own TURN server is there if you want to.

    So, they are quite crucial to have the oppertunity to reach more players then with Socket.IO. +1 Official MP

    [quote:1id5ciah]NAT traversal to work around connectivity restrictions imposed by common routers and network setups

    Also called NAT Punch-Through. +1 Official MP

    [quote:1id5ciah]LAN game support for near-zero latency gameplay, including support for mixed LAN/Internet games

    Well, it explains itself. +1 Official MP

    Of Course P2P = +1 Official MP (Since you then don't have to have a Server)

    But Socket.IO has one good thing over the Official one, but that is only good for some:

    Export option with the Free Version of C2. +1 Socket.IO

    Socket.IO 1 : 4 Official MP

    You can discuss how far is more compatible with most browsers etc. then the official one,

    but overall you should see, the official one really has most benefits. (Including no coding - that is important for some)

    • Conti
  • , well, the official is kinda suprerior because of the Punch-Through and ICE Server connection.

    That way more people would be able to connect via the official one then via the Socket.IO.

    And since the official one has UDP and Socket.IO doesn't have it, Socket.IO is unsuitable for real-time games.

  • since i haven't made it i cant continue "support" in form of releasing updates of the actual plugin.

    On questions or other regards i will continue to help people as best as i can.

    But as stated, i won't recommend Socket.IO anymore since it isn't the suprerior multiplayer plugin anymore.

    The official one has multiple very usefull things that the Socket.IO doesn't have (NAT Punch-Through, P2P, UDP).

    So, ill repeat: On questions ill help, but recommending using it i won't (dayum, dat yoda grammar ), you are in better hands using the official plugin.

    • Conti
  • Log Entry #7

    Stardate: -308690.98173515976

    It hasn't been long time since the last post, but we anyway have new informations to share:

    We have got accepted as developers on IGS (, that means:

    SoW will be featured on IGS, not only the final game, but already in the Alpha!

    By having made this choice, we want to get more feedback & funds to support and improve SoW.

    This will have the effect that SoW will be even better then initally planned!

    Thats a great thing, aint it?

    Now to what we have achieved in SoW in the past few days/weeks:

    The new map is finished! Take a look:

    It's just the plain map finished currently, but the tunnel background is still being worked on

    As said, it have the unique gameplay changer, that there are NO air units, artillery or support strikes available.

    I really think that my parter did a great job on this map

    Besides having a new map finished, we invested some time in improving the collision polygons of the units.

    Also, we did some intensive multiplayer testing, and found many bugs that now are fixed.

    All of the Collision Polygons for the units got improved and updated.

    So now the performance also should get a little improvements

    In the next few days/weeks, we will further improve the backgrounds and some unfinished assets/replace placeholders.

    It's quite a short post this time, but there is so much left to do!

    Thank you for reading, be sure to checkout our Twitter & Facebook, to get the recent news about SoW and other projects

    • Conti
  • If you want to make it with Socket.IO and Node.JS you should take a look at this tutorial:

    • Conti
  • Ashley , ok, i hope you fix it someday, but thanks anyway for at least trying

  • Anyway it seems interesting.

    But Ashley are there some news about the Collision Disabling in asm.js ?

  • Log Entry #6

    Stardate: -308694.4406392695

    Today: Announcing the Demo & Talking about included features.

    So, the demo will basically be a light version of the Shadows of War Alpha.

    That includes less Locations, Maps, Modis & Backgrounds.

    Locations included in the demo:

    Big City


    Featured Maps:








    Conquest 500

    That means the content included in the Alpha Demo is about 20-25% of content from the final game.

    This is of course a significant amount, but beware, the Demo won't get the new features or improvements if they get implemented in the "Final" game.

    Bugs of the Alpha Demo will be fixed till a certain degree.

    Still, alone in the Demo you have about 64 different possibilites how to configure the battle.

    In the normal version we currently have 3024 and it will get more in the future, hopefully, much more

    The date isn't set yet, but we are planning to release the Alpha Demo in the near future (Next month).

    As a little site note: The Demo WILL have multiplayer.

    One of the things why we ain't sure when to release is, is that we are waiting for a new Node-Webkit version with the new Chromium.

    If there are any more questions, ill gladly answer them

    Thank you for reading, be sure to checkout our Twitter & Facebook, to get the recent news about SoW and other projects

    • Conti
  • Here's some footage from the Alpha of Shadows of War

    Hopefully you like it

  • Could it be that it is a Node-Webkit related problem?

    Since it only uses Chromium 32 and not the most recent 34?

    Edit: It seems like there are unresolved issues with Node-Webkit and WebRTC

    (At least i have the exact same problem as described there ^^

    Connection established, but no Data transmitted or recieved)

  • Rushino thanks we're doing our best.

  • Jep, it's definetely working

    Thank you so much Tom

  • Vuuv , you don't need to, he got help & doesn't have any money

    But yes, it is a ridicoulus amount.

    • Conti
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  • woddakota , sended you a pm.