thanks for your example. using your example file as a base, I got some aspects of my idea to work!
The number of lifebars created are equal to number of bosses existing in layout. I detected the number of bosses using count and save it to a global variable and I have a counter for number of bosses so it makes sure the number of lifebars are equal to number of bosses.
My problem is that it keeps on repeating on selecting the same 1st boss, so the other bosses are not selected. This is shown because the name of the boss is also the name of my portrait's animations.
I need to be able to select all of them 1 by 1. Meaning, after selecting Boss A and entering the boss name into a var, I do the same for the other bosses until I enter all of their data.
I cannot use your method because I am using this event sheet for many layouts/levels, so the intent is to make this possible regardless of layout or number of bosses.
Here are my events
Please look at the X part of my events. That's where the problem lies. My logic was something like: enter boss name into both BossName and then if not similar to value of BossNamePrevious, I go on entering it. I thought this logic would solve my problem. But it did not. Probably something wrong a bit with the logic. Can you help me?
I can't check yet if the SourceUID are being set accordingly until after I fixed this problem.
This is the setup of my lifebars just so you can understand.
The tutorial I used for the lifebar was this
https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/182/ma ... cy-lifebar
That formula works for my player lifebar (player has its own set of similar lifebar-related objects), but I have to add some conditions for boss lifebars since I am coding a universal system for any number of bosses.