Sethmaster's Forum Posts

  • Can someone help?

    I still in the dark here, so can a kind soul teach me how to do a custom list?

  • It's good for building a list if there's no space limitation.

    What I am looking for is more of how to show the players that there are more elements/ choices in the list than what is shown and how to implement a scrolling mechanism so the players can slide the options/ elements around until they find one that they like.

  • Hi

    I want to create a custom version of the default list plugin for my game since the default version look very ugly.

    I remember reading once in a thread here that someone did this already due to the default list not supported by coccoonjs.

    If so, can someone link me to it? I cannot find it <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    If not, can someone teach me how they would approach doing a custom list?

    I really require the help.

  • Yes.

    I know I used a lot of RPGmaker style placeholders for graphic so it could be mistaken as such but it is a Construct 2 creation.

    Showing you that Construct 2 is pretty viable for a lot of games <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I use a lot of rex plugins to help me do the grid pathfinding.

    For those plugins, please take a look at the master lists of plugins on the plugins thread.

  • Yes, and also as an excuse to do jam to improve my skills as a developer.<img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Also feel nice to release something, even if it's a short game. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi everyone,

    I have created an Tactical Turn-Based game for the Candyjam.

    The mechanics is a hybrid between fire-emblem and 4th Edition Dungeon and Dragon.

    If you are free, go to

    and download a copy to play with.

    Don?t worry, while wordy, it?s quite short and should be fun since I am making a game that I like to play myself.

    This is a vast improvement over my last gamejam attempt, Knight's Blue since I got a week for development instead of just about 48 hours.

  • in the games I created, audio seem to be ones taking majority of the game file size with graphics only 1/4 to 1/5 of audio space.

    You can check by exporting to html5 and compare the size of audio and graphic folders.

    My suggestion would be to comprised on audio quality and try lowering the bitrate down via Audacity so the file size would be smaller.

    Another suggestion is instead of using another soundtrack for another stage, try playing with the construct equalizer for a different sounding song while still using the same file.

  • This is strange since I only encountered this problem with the latest build 158.2

    I did not have such issues with 152.

    Why did this change? And for what reason?

    Groups in construct 2 helps a lot in organizing the logics in games so I simply don't understand why Ashley would simply change how it works.

    Especially when layout that don't include each other should not stop each layout to give the same name to the similar function for ease of use.

    The 158.2 group method simply cancel out any reason to have a central event page for use for all other events page.

    And it make trying to change anything in code-heavy or long games very frustrating, time-consuming and annoying since you have to do it for every single event page without the usage of a central one.

    I would love to hear from Ashley to listen to the reasoning behind this move.

  • Mods, if this topic is in the wrong place, could you move it to the right place? Thanks.

    Alright, my current problem with the current update that forced me to revert back to the older version of construct is that after you name a group in one layout, you cannot give the same name to another group in another layout in the same project despite both layout never referenced each other at all.

    Basically, I have a common layout (which all other layout referenced to) which have functions that close and open groups in each other layout as required in my game. When all my other layouts have similar naming convention, this is not an issue and work perfectly fine.

    In the new release, I cannot do so and forced to name every group in every new layout differently. That is simply crazy and require a lot of work for something that work perfectly fine in the previous version.

    As an example, I have a dialog group in each other layout with different texts. In the common layout, I have a function that activate and deactivate that group based on user input. Last time, all I have to put is "Deactivate DialogGroup" and "Activate DialogGroup" because in all other layouts, that the group's name.

    However, with the new version, I am forced to use DialogGroup1, DialogGroup2, DialogGroup3, ... and so forth, due to no similar naming convention in the same project.

    Can Ashley find out what went wrong with this? Do anyone have this problem with the new version or it's just simply me?

    This is important since I would like to make use of the latest update without this crippling bug/feature.

    I didn't faced this in 152, only in 158.2

  • Hi guys,

    this is my creation during mini ludum 48

    <img src="" border="0" />

    It's a turn based strategy game created using construct 2 with a lot of placeholder art.

    Feel free to try it my downloading it from this dropbox link

    Few Notes:

    In battle, you can activate powers by double-clicking on the respective powers to attack the enemy. All powers are melee (adjacent) range only.

    Daily, encounter and utility powers are not included (despite the art) due to being low on time.

    Pleas give me your comments so I can improve on my other future creations.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Kyatric

    I thought Ashley mention the true absolutely no sound to be -99.

    When I put my computer and amplifier at max, I found -40 still audible and only -99 to produce no sound.

    Just my experience.

  • Hi, do anyone have any experience with this plugin?

    It suppose to help any html5 game make with node-webkit to be able to use steam achievements and overlay which is very nice thing to have, in my opinion.

    I only know that the developers of this code use it for their node-webkit game "Game Developer Tycoon" to integrate with steam.

    It's there any chance Construct 2 have plans to develop a similar plugin for steam in the near future? Especially since the market of indie games in steam is quite huge.

    Just asking. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    The website of the said plugin:

  • One more vote here for Construct 2 to stay purely 2d.

  • Just solved my own problem <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Consider the problem solved.