serega990306's Forum Posts

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  • To access in-app purchasing features, the basic usage is as follows:

    On start of layout, use the Add product ID action to add the product IDs you will be using, e.g. "product1,product2,product3".

    After that (still in the 'Start of layout' event), use the Request store listing action. This starts downloading the names and prices of the given products. Some platforms require this information to be available for the IAP features to work.

    When On store listing success triggers, the product names and prices are available, and purchases can start being made or checked with the Has product condition.

    Can you easily describe how to add in-app purchasing features? I can't find "Add product ID action", where is it? How do I do this?

  • If player have more then 1 coin he can buy a new screen. And he must do it only once. But every time he touches sprite 11 he lose 1 coin. How can I fix this?

  • Well the answer depends on alot of things first what are you using to export to Android?

    Im using PhoneGap to export.

  • I have coins in the game that allow you to open the new characters, and I want to make so that you could buy them. How do I do this?

  • It's possible, what specific feature are you having trouble with?

    Can you briefly describe how to do the floor.

    How to limit the surface on which the character can move?

  • How to make the floor on which the characters go? This picture is one or many different sprite? And whether it is possible to make a game with mechanics similar to the game Gods will be watching? I am most interested in the floor through which the characters go, how to make it?

  • How do I make after death showed on the other layout how many points you scored?

    As shown in this picture