septeven's Forum Posts

  • Changelog v1.16

    [Fix] Fix of multiple issues occured with ID.

    SoldjahBoy This version should make your life easier ;)

  • I have a button that tells each box to select a certain line but it only affects the box which was created first.


    I have an event:

    EVERY TICK -> TEXT BOX SET TEXT: GlobalVariable1 & ComboBox1.getValueSelected & ComboBox2.getValueSelected


    OK I was able to look at your issues.

    For the first one, argh, when I did this plugin I just started learning Javascript, and did a big mistake!!! I think I get it, I'll do an update as quickly as possible...

    For the second part, since the new version, getValueSelect returns an integer, so you have to put the expression between str() to have the good result.

    Hopefully it helps you, just let me know ;)


  • Ashley

    Why don't you hire some other developers? I'm sure there's many talented guys would want help you for free. Sure if I was, I would!

  • Changelog v1.01

    [Fix] If user used the <b></b> html string, it occured a Construct 2 bug.

  • smitchell

    I'll add the help file hopefully soon. I'll send you a simple capx right now if you want.

  • iScroll

    Version: 1.24 (11/12/2014)

    Tried in Firefox 9.0.1 / Mobile Safari (iOS 4 & 5) - Other tests to come

    Special thanks to Ashley, Smitchell and Kyatric, for help and advices.

    Download iScroll.rar


    Hi folks, here is my iScroll plugin.

    iScroll is originally a project created by Matteo Spinelli.

    You could find more informations about the project on his website -

    This iScroll plugin allows you to create an iOS native-like scrolling, in a frame or in fullscreen mode.

    Be aware of that is more a plugin for Smartphones than for desktop browsers (there'll be probably bugs on desktop computers).

    The plugin works essentially in modifying CSS attributes of HTML elements.

    I tried to create something which will be accessible to the most users without knowledge of HTML language, but this allows you to do more customized things though.

    Nevertheless, you'll need the color values/names for all color parameters.

    A good reference for it is the website, you'll find informations about colors here :

    Considering the users feedbacks and my 'todo list', I'll try to add more options in order to get a fully control of customisation.

    As usually, don't be afraid to report bugs, english mistakes, etc. but especially, don't be afraid to purpose ideas!

    I'm actually writing the help file, but I decided to release the iScroll plugin without because I need feedbacks and I'm a little tired as well

    I've worked on this plugin for more one month.

    Finally, the plugin needs a plenty of parameters to be the most usefull it could be.

    I had to think the way of adding actions differently because the action dialogs got too many things (I'm sure that some screen resolution wouldn't have been able

    to access to all options :p).

    Shortly : You add a line, set some basic parameters, set unique ID, and then you add some "addons" to it (image, border, etc.).

    I'm aware that the eventsheet may being really overloaded but I'm pretty sure that this way makes iScroll easy to use...

    All is controlled by the unique ID you set to the added line...

    Well, let's try it. (in waiting for the help file, read the description, hopefully, without language mistakes :p)

    Here's some example I did with this plugin.

    some variations of the iScroll plugin options

    some native-like webapps (tried an iOS 5 notification center)

    quick test for game interface

    Let me know about your project you'll do with iScroll, I will love to see how will you appropriate this.

    Thanks for reading.

  • my mistake ;)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • jQuery(element).remove();

  • SoldjahBoy

    Sorry I meant I didn't read all, but will do tonight !

    I'll take a look.

  • Changelog v1.15

    [Fix] Expression isALineSelected occurs a bug when comparing.

    Nickydude : The bug you occured is fixed with this version.

    SoldjahBoy : Sorry, I didn't read all, but let me know if this version fixes your bug, else, I'll wait for your capx.

  • Preview in default mode works well.

    Try to preview with other options will work at the first preview, but from second one, it previews in the default browser.

  • Thanks both but I wasn't clear.

    I don't find my words in english, sorry.

    I would like add in my plugins folder some default images (for ui).

    Then, I would like construct 2 picks these images from my plugin folder and add them to the exported folder (and if it possible, when user preview his project too).

    In fact, that's the same thing that dependency property does. It picks the dependency file and use it to preview/export.

    If I'm not clear, I'll write a french message to Kyatric ;)

  • For my plugin, I would like to have some defaults images (for ui, as arrow, etc.) but I would like that when the user will export (or preview) his project, images will automatically put in the exported project folder.

    Hopefully I'm clear ;)

  • Yann did you study at Emile Cohl ? O_o

    Que le monde est petit :)

    edit. OK je vois qui tu es maintenant ;)

  • Yann Do you know Laura Csajagi ?