SecondDimension's Forum Posts

  • Ldk oh, you just click on the other side of the tunnel and the fox walks through. Anyway don't want to hijack, thanks for the feedback.

  • OK thanks al lot, I'll try having a pre-loading page next time I think. Are you planning to develop ScubaBear any more? If there were good touch controls this is the sort of thing I'd play loads of on my phone

  • Thank you everyone, I think improving the level design is next. After that we will try adding touch controls and testing on a few tablets

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  • I really loved your game, kind of inspirational as it shows the level of polish possible with C2, it got 5 stars from me!

    Do you mind if I ask one question about the layered music? I tried that with our game but the music folder just doesn't work, the ogg/m4a files were big and I gave up in the end. Do you have some trick to doing this, or do you have to just add all the music into the Sounds folder and take the hit on preloading?

  • We have been working on our Ludum Dare game for a few weeks, trying to turn it into something that we could potentially release (although I'm not sure how or on what platforms).

    It should be fully playable from start to end, although the level design and puzzles are a bit basic at the moment. Would appreciate thoughts and/or bug reports. Thanks!

    Kitsuni In Progress Version

  • A bit of shameless self-promotion, but our current game is starting to look pretty nice. Was just about to post it in the Creations section

    Kitsuni In Progress Version

  • I'm nearing the end of my project, and I am now adding music, which I have discovered causes pathfinding to stop working properly (Node-Webkit and Chrome). If I disable the music it works perfectly, enable music and it doesn't respond. I already updated Chrome, which didn't help. It does work if I put the music into the sounds folder, which is my current solution, but that just means a massive sound preload before anything start playing.

    I have found a few similar bug reports going back 12 months, but it still seems to be an issue. Anyone know if there's a way round this?

  • featured a game by Rilem too, probably because it's ridiculously good, but hopefully my recommendation helped a tiny bit. Article is here: Scuba Bear on

  • For clarity I think the issue is this:

    Exported HTML5 or Node-Webkit projects reduce the scale of animated sprites by 50%

    However as I said, I did fix it. I believe I solved my issue by doing one of the following things:

    • Removing Touch Object
    • Removing WebGL Effects

    I say that because those are the only things I changed before re-exporting and that seemed to solve it.

    I'm at work now, but I'll try to recreate the bug in a simple .capx later.

  • anata that is exactly what mine looked like, same problem!

    I realise that to fix it I actually did 2 things; remove the touch object and remove any WebGL effects throughout the whole project.

    If you use either of these then maybe you can remove them in a test version? If it fixes the problem then we may be closer to a solution at least.

    Edit: I also think on mine that it only happened to sprites with animations in folders, not 100% on that though

  • This might or might not be be related, but yesterday I exported an existing project with r169 and all my sprites were displayed half-size, for no apparent reason. In my case I removed the touch object, re-exported and it was OK again.

  • Cool, I was looking for a recent thread like this, I've been using C2 a lot recently and wondered if there was somewhere I could suggest stuff. Maybe a bit long to read, but here goes

    Persistent Objects - Reset Game

    The persistence behaviour is potentially so useful, but if the player returns to the main menu and presses 'New Game' then everything is still persistent. Only a browser refresh will fix it, which is not very good really.

    New Idea - Colliders

    I often use hidden sprites pinned to the player to check for various collisions, I know 'collision at offset' can help avoid this, but I've found that it won't work when you want to have gaps inside sprites or odd shapes. Also you end up with loads more objects.

    My idea for this is to add something into the collision mask section of the image editor, so it works like image points. So you can add additional collision shapes to the sprite and then check for collisions in the same way as extra image points, something like sprite>overlapping backdrop at collision mask(1).

    If you could have a number of these per sprite and rename them as per image points, then that would offer a lot of flexibility. No idea the technical challenges this may present to implement though.

    Group & Layer Naming

    It would be nice if, when renaming groups or layers, all references to them were also renamed (as per variables etc). This is not that big a deal if you're aware of it though I guess.

    Steam file associations

    Would like to be able to double-click a Capx without steam trying to install the free version of C2. Would also be nice if turning off the Beta updates worked without me having to re-install the free version.

    Tilemap & Sprite seams

    Everyone knows about this, with tile maps I know the recommended settings should fix it, I'm Ok with everything but letterbox integer scale, as in my tests it often results in an unplayable game size on smaller resolutions. The seams between sprite appear on export by design, and I guess there must be a way around this? This is probably a naive request, but on a basic level it would be nice if everything at least looked the same in the editor and preview as it does when exporting (just on the same machine/browser I mean obviously)

    Music & Audio

    This is the only thing about C2 that I genuinely hate. To be fair it could be partially browser issues, but this is my experience of audio:

    So I can't play more than 1 music file at once, in fact I can't even change between music files; once I've started playing one then all others are ignored. Seems impossible to get music to sync with anything too, if you want that to be a core element of gameplay then forget it basically. Everything about using music is terrible, only reliable way is to put everything in the sounds folder. Of course putting things in the sounds folder means it doesn't stream. I already have to preload every single sound effect up front or they just won't play, with large music files the it's not viable on a web game. Waiting until all sounds have finished preloading until you start the game doesn't seem to work either. There also seems to be odd delays on sound files that again remove the possibility of creating something with tight focused audio that syncs to the gameplay.

    Edit: came across as a bit angry when talking about the audio stuff there; it does annoy me, but for the record overall I'm really pleased with C2.

  • We have been super excited this weekend, as our LD game was featured on a few big websites. First on and then on PC Gamer, with both of them saying nice things about it. It has put us in a great mood, and now we're working on a post-compo version. Hopefully we can get rid of all the bugs and turn it into something good. I e-mailed to mention some of your games as well by the way

    Links here if anyone is interested:

    IndieGames.Com Article

    PC Gamer Best Free Games of the Week

  • I've played and rated all the games in here now, well done everyone on some really interesting games

  • Hey all, submitted our game at the last possible minute, but we got there. As usual I will make sure I go through and play every game in this thread. But some sleep first I think.

    Anyway here is our game Kitsuni:

    Kitsuni Submission Page