sebastiangohhy's Forum Posts

  • 15 posts
  • AllanR

    THANK YOU, exactly what i needed

  • Hi there,

    I have an array that contains numbers

    one problem with the sorting is that its does not read the whole value example




    this is the result of sorting.

    what i want is




    Any idea how to accomplish it?


  • 99Instances2Go


    Yes, its global variables.

    So you are suggesting that i store it in an array first then sorting them out?

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  • Hi there,

    I have 6 variables and i want to display the top 3.

    I know that a loop is required but how do i implement one so that it compares all 6 and return top 3?


  • oosyrag

    Im not tracking scores, im tracking which questions is done right or wrong by students. specific questions. I want like a game statistic like "the walking dead choice game" It shows how many percent got right and how many get wrong.

    sorry if i didnt make it clear

  • vijkumar219

    Hi, what seems to be the problem

  • Hi there,

    I have a quiz based game.

    I would like to track which questions the students get right or wrong.

    A function will randomly pick questions from a txt file, so i cannot individually specify to write to a file if the specific question is right or wrong.

    Is there other methods, programs or plugins that works well with construct 2 to achieve this analytic function>



    The game will be run using localhost. (I have tried google analytics which didn't work because i don't have a website)

  • Hi there,

    I have a quiz based game.

    I would like to track which questions the students get right or wrong.

    A function will randomly pick questions from a txt file, so i cannot individually specify to write to a file if the specific question is right or wrong.

    Is there other methods, programs or plugins that works well with construct 2 to achieve this analytic function>



    The game will be run using localhost. (I have tried google analytics which didn't work because i don't have a website)

  • Currently, the ajax is posting url parameters to a php which will then write to a txt file.

    I want to eliminate php, so is it possible?

    Which means ill have a button that will read anything in the input box and write it directly to txt file without ajax or php?


  • cjbruce

    Its alright i found out. just needed to remove some extra "


  • cjbruce

    URL: "http://localhost/results.php?name="""&URLEncode(TextBox_player1.Text)&"""&score="""&URLEncode(totalscore_player1.Text)&""""

    Thanks for your help, i manage to modify your codes but just a tiny problem

    the output is like this


    is there a way to remove the %20 and %22

  • cjbruce

    Do I use PostToURL?

    Is yes, is is like this?

    Tag: "player1"

    URL: "http://locahost/results.php?name=TextBox_player1.Text&score=totalscore_player1.Text"

    Data: "name=URLEncode(TextBox_player1.Text)&score=URLEncode(totalscore_player1.Text)"

    Method: "POST"

  • AllanR

    Thanks for replying. I understand what you said, but it is possible to make it live?

  • Hi there,

    I have a button for user to submit their name and score.

    I want this data to be send to a php file which then will output to a text file.

    How can I accomplish this?


  • Hi there, My project is a game based quiz. I'm required to have an output text file that records every user actions.

    e.g SinglePlayer selected

    Question 1 correct

    Question 2 wrong

    Player pickup Gun

    Player Killed Monster

    Stage 2 Unlocked

    Basically, this will help me to identify which questions student get wrong often.

    It would be greatly appreciated if you can help me as I'm new to construct 2.

    Thank you!

  • 15 posts