scrollriddle's Forum Posts

  • 2 posts
  • Awesome! I read through the list and found a bunch of links to many things that I need to figure out! I can't wait to get out of work to get busy on my project! THANKS AGAIN!

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  • Hey EVERYONE!!!! I am so SUPER-EXCITED to be here and to begin using Construct2. I grew up playing the Atari 2600. It was my DREAM to design my own video games. I spent a few hours watching some intro videos and read through a few tutorials. I am curious as to how to excel the player through levels. I want to design ten levels and have a goal reached at the end of each level. I am sure the more tinkering that I do in the tutorials and video section, the more this question will seem very basic. But Hey, I am a noobie! Well, hope to see everyone's games online and can't wait to hear everyone's feedback on what I produce!

  • 2 posts