Schoening's Forum Posts

  • Ty ! :D

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  • I'm trying to Upload my Game to Dropbox to show some progress..

    I have used the guide on the website:


    But 2 problems!

    One is that i there is not the option for Copy Link:

    Picture of Problem 1

    The other is that when i open the Index.html on Dropbox it is just a black Screen.

    Hilfe !

    Help !

    Hj�lp !

  • I figured it out :)

  • No problem ^^

    edit: it is NOT 12:48 am   it is   01:50 am !

  • Ah i see :) Thx yes that works 2 ! Probably faster than 2 or 3 functions.

    Any idea on the acceleration? Instead of Setting the Speed from 0 to 100. Going to accelerate to 100.

  • Ok solved.. just added another expression.

    Speed Equal or More than 100    Set speed = 100

  • distance(x,y,sprite.X,sprite.Y)/2 , 100

    Gives me Syntax Error

  • Thats smart ^^ ty :D

    Now i just need to find the max speed limit thing :)

    Edit: I just tried it, It's getting there but not really what i need. I might use the idea for when at a certain distance. But just using the

    distance(x,y,Sprite.X,Sprite.Y)/2) is not working because if i click far away.. it will just speed up <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    The speed is not supposed to be defined by distance completely. There is a Speed constant for the Ship that only should change when near to approaching destination.

  • Link

    That is a picture of my Script at the moment.

    I want the ship to slow down when getting close to the point.

    I want the ship to keep momentum, and not instantly loose it..

    If you change direction all of the sudden, the ship would still need to decelerate or accelerate.

    And accelerate slowly to a max speed. Bullet seems to keep getting faster and faster.

  • OK ill do that.

  • So the SpaceShip game i am working has some basic rts kinda movement.

    Click and Move.

    Added rotation so the ship has to maneuver by rotating in a circle instead of instant changing the direction.

    But it looks horrible <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Once the sprite is in the ca. position of the last click it just makes a full break ! Making the driver hit his head in the window!

    I would much rather have it to decelerate once it comes close to the location. So if you click just a few pixels in front of your ship, it would slide to far. Also i want the ship to accelerate until the max speed is reached.

    I could only find some stuff on this for custom movement.

  • Nice ! Have it working now :) i make it rotate x degree toward position every tick. Never thought it would be so simple :)

  • Damn that is good to know!

  • Yes.. noobish i know.. but i don't know Construct syntax very well yet :/

    I'm using Bullet-Movement and global variables to move toward Mouse-Click.

    My problem is. Once Player arrives at the Point, he pretty much gets a stroke.

    Keeps rotating on the spot.

    I probably change from Bullet to pixels per tick. Because i want the Player to stop movement when arriving at mouse-click. And i want people to be able to upgrade the speed (variable) of the Player.

    My problem is that i need to compare X,Y from the Mouseclick with X,Y from the Player Position. And i don't know how to compare several values in at once.

    Where can i check on syntax?

  • thanks you 2 :D

    BTW. Wicked picture Khaz :)