Santhenar's Forum Posts

  • Maybe... Maybe if each node of the tail had some momentum variables such as speed and angle, and used that for movement.

    But how would I calculate their momentum? Perhaps take a snapshot of their position each tick, and compare to the position next tick, then use this to calcuate their velocity and angle of motion, then move them accordingly.

    hmm... I'll give it a go.

  • Additional note:

    I have tried to use limited rotate joints but that either makes the tail stiff, spasm-ey, and still heavy and clunky. And I know there is a 'Mass' option in the physics properties, it just doesn't seem to do anything?

  • Hi everyone!

    Today I am trying to make a character with a tail. I want the tail to flow realistically and follow the movement of the character.

    So far I have done this by making the tail a series of nodes pinned together using the Rope style Pin functionality. This looks very nice, but I also want the tail to have physical properties, I want it to have momentum and gravity. (Most importantly to fall and trail along the ground)

    However using the built in physics gives me some really messed up results. The tail twitches and spasms and actually pushes the player around. Plus it feels as heavy as a sack of sand. I can't find a way to actually adjust physics properties such as mass and gravity for specific objects, which seems a rather gross oversight.

    So I guess my question is... how can I give the nodes of my tail mass and momentum?

    I'm just looking for any neat ideas that people may have!

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  • Mon dieu!

    Changing the order appears to have fixed it! Fingers crossed, but you may be some kind of wizard, because I was sure I had already tried this.

    But yes, all seems fine now!

    I shall toast to your health!


    All I need now is to make the gates spawn the correct distance away from the player and I'm pretty much done!

  • Hi everyone!

    I've set myself a mini challenge to create a game within a short space of time. Specifically, I won't be sleeping until it is complete.

    I've been working on it for about 12 hours now, and I'm almost done, but my brain is a little frazzled.

    Anyway, I need some help. I have a system whereby the player moves through a 'gate' and must be pushing a specific button as they pass through the gate. Like a rhythm game, a'la guitar hero or Marvin Spectrum.

    The problem I have is that it works really intermittently. The score is supposed to increase when you press the correct button when going through the right kind of gate, but sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. More often than not it doesn't. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it either, you can get several of the same gate type in a row and it will work on some but not others. I'm at a loss...

    Here is a pic of the code that governs this process:

    Help meeeeee, I'm so close, then y'all can play it!

  • Although there is something I'm still struggling with...

    So in your

    x = h * cos (a) + c_x

    y = h * sin (a) + c_y

    formula, (a) is the angle of the circle. But what if I want it (a) to be relative the the position of an object on the edge of the circle. So if object (o1) is at 270 degrees, then I want to place object (o2) at 300 degrees. But if (o1) is at 300 degrees, the I want to place (o2) at 330, and so forth.

    Ok, so do that I need to be able to calculate the current angle (a) of object (o1)... Bearing in mind that the circle itself is rotating as (o1) rotates around it. Ummm.... Can I do that?

  • Thanks, I actually figured it out myself just seconds before your post!

    Cheers though!

  • Hi again!

    It's time for more funtime maths with circles! Or, well... I need help from those who are smarter than I.

    OK, so I have a point on the edge of a circle. Let's say that point is at 0 degrees on the circle. I need to calculate the X and Y value of a point (n) degrees further round the edge of the circle.

    Any ideas?


  • Not only is that page really useful, but it solved my problem!

    Thanks so much!

  • Hi guys!

    I'm pretty sure the problem I have can be solved with a nice bit of maths.

    I have a platformer level where the player must walk around the edge a 2d circle.

    So the angle of gravity must always be towards the center of the circle.

    I can set the angle of gravity each tick, but I'm not sure what the formula is to calculate the required angle from the X/Y coordinates of the two objects.


  • OK no problem, cheers.


    That's the cause of my problems!

    Thanks so much!

  • I have created a sprite for my HUD, but I keep running into situations where I cannot move it in the editor.

    It is on a layer which is not locked.

    It is not set to parallax in the editor.

    IF I try and resize the sprite it instantly coverts to 0 size, and then apparently just vanishes. This particular sprite is no different from any other sprite.

    Any idea what might cause this? It's really fricking ******* me off.

  • When making the background transparent I can now see the dotted line, but it would still be useful if I can change the colour so that I can see it against the background normally.

  • I'm trying to position elements of my HUD, but I can't see where the window is in the layout.

    As in, I know there's supposed to be a dotted line showing the edges of the window/viewport in the layout, but I just can't see one. Is there a way to make it a massive fricking red line or something? Or maybe it's because my background layer is black, and so is the dotted line, in which case is there a way to change the color of it?

    Help is much appreciated!