Just joined Construct2 so far I am liking what I see. I came from a Flash AS2 background and find lots of similarities but Construct 2 is a lot easier to use.
I followed the Gjost Shooter tutorial and modeled game.
I managed to get different objects(balloons) onto the screen and move around just like the monsters and changed the mouse pointer to a pin.
And then set the following so that on a mouse click a balloon would pop:
Condition: System> Every tick
Action: >Mouse > Set cursor from sprite pin
Condition: Mouse > On left button clicked on "a"
Action: >"a" > Destroy
Audio> Play BalloonPoppingSound not looping at volume 5db(tag"")
Condition: >"a" Is outside layout
Action: >"a" Set angle toward (Mouse.X, Mouse.Y)
My question is How would I play another audio ie 3 times and wait for the user to pop the appropriate balloon? if not popped then next audio is played ... etc?
I know this is possible in Flash AS2 so I assume it could be done in Construct2 as well.
Any suggestions would be appreciated