SamRock's Forum Posts

  • Hi All!


    **x86 version released on Google Play! People with Tablets.. please check it out and let me know your experience! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">**

    I am really proud to present my first trailer of my game "Last of the Survivors"

    Its an isometric based Survival Horror + Endless Runner. Please let me know your feedback <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Google Play: ... esurvivors

    Windows Store: ... 235edd611b



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  • cranberrygame I am using your IAP and found that the store prices(Google Store) only appear if I had bought the product in the past,

    Could you please check if thats the case at your end too? I am following all the steps from your Sample CAPX

    ALso, can you please please bring Windows 8 IAP support to your plugin too??

    I am going crazy juggling between 2 IAP plugins :'(

  • Problem Description

    I wrote an article to fix the error occurring when your try to build your game on Intel XDK. ... iap-plugin

    I added the official C2 IAP and built my game using Intel XDK. Was able to update it on Google Play store too.

    I add my IAPs already setup on Google Console and they worked fine with the PhoengapIAP plugin. That is, I was able to purchase the items and coins from the App.

    Now with the Official C2 plugin I am able to complete the purchases without any issues,

    However , the Prices are appearing only if you have bought the Products in the past! They dont appear if you didnt buy the item (Price appears as blank)!

    Secondly and the most significant issue is that there is no way to mark a "Consumable items" as "Consumed". After I purchase a Consumable, like a Pack of Coins, the Product gets locked and Google Store doesnt allow me to buy that pack again.

    I usually upload a sample CAPX to show what I am experiencing, but in this case, I am not sure how to reprod the issue, since it runs on the store.

    Attach a Capx

    Plugin Issue is on the Google Store

    Description of Capx


    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Create a sample Consumable IAPs on Google Store
    • Create a C2 project and add officail IAP plugin
    • Create button to trigger pruchase
    • Write events to handle Purchase of the consumable product
    • Export to Android and Build on Intel XDK (follow my article to avoid build error)
    • Sign and upload the APK on Google Store
    • Open App and click button to purchase consumable.
    • After successful purchase, try buying same item again by clicking the button
    • Google Play does not initiate the purchase again

    Observed Result

    Google Play does not initiate the purchase again when a consumable was bought in the past

    Expected Result

    Google Play should allow you to repurchase a consumable again.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (NA)
    • FireFox: (NA)
    • Internet Explorer: (NA)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1 SP1

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Thanks aroderick

    I tried the Offical IAP with Android and it works fine. However there seems to be a bug that doesnt populate Prices from the store

    and it doesnt "Consume" Consumable IAPs. They remain as Purchased products in store!

    I am creating a separate bug report for this.

  • Ashley - that's not a plugin we maintain, there are very few we do, and they are all*

    Can someone post the full build log of what the error is when using the C2 default IAP and the Admob plugin? We'll try to see if it's a bug in the plugin or both plugins requiring a common file (like android-support-v4.jar)

    Wow, you are from Intel!!? Nice to see you on the C2 forum!!

    As for the Build log, we only get the log that Lolva has share in the OP screenshot.

    I didnt see this issue with Admob Plugin.

  • People having issues building their game on IntelXDK using the Official C2 IAP Plugin, I found a fix.

    Here is how you can resolve and start using the official plugin : ... iap-plugin

  • Iolva & Ashley,

    Looks like we found a fix for this issue!!

    I have written a short article(not really short) for the benefit of the entire C2 community!! ... iap-plugin


    Looks like IAP plugin, has to reference these files in Intel XDK XMLs

    Can the exported C2 project include reference to the files I mentioned in my article?

  • I have reported this issue on the Intel XDK Forum ... 34&t=10692

    Hopefully someone will respond. IntelRobert, are you from IntelXDK team? Can you please look into thisi issue?

  • Noooooooooooo... I have to go back to PhoneGapIAP for Android again

    I thought I can use this Plugin for both Windows and Android

  • I noticed that whenever ADmob Banners are shown the performance goto down drastically! I read that you have to disable text ads, but even Graphical banners are casuing FPS drops on the Google play beta APK.

    Any suggestions?

  • Ashley and aroderick

    I have a related question. I am making a Windows 8.1 App (universal) and would like to know the usage of IAP object along with "Windows 8" object.

    I see that some of the Function/Actions/Events in the Windows 8 object is similar to the IAP object.

    Eg: "Request store listing" , "Purchase product", ", On successful purchase " etc

    Does this mean, that when on Windows platform, I can just use W8 object's functionality instead of the default IAP object??

    If not does IAP automatically detects IAPs on the Windows Store?

    So confused


    How about using this for Audio instead? ^

    Hi there... well this plugin was only good for WinPhone 8 app. I tried converting my app to use this Plugin. The sound worked well, but then you are basically downgrading the app to a lower (probably unsupported) version.

    Even Ashly doesnt recommend this plugin anymore and wants us to use the latest Universal App export.

    Also whenever the sound played my Phone generated a Click sound. Not sure if it was a one off case. But I quickly rolled back to Universal App.

  • Just to be clear: I don't use Construct.

    That said, I am facing another issue with HTML5 Audio... if too many sound effects are loaded (14 to be exact in my case), pressing the home key to go to start menu and then back key to resume the app, repeating this action twice causes app crash. If I remove the sound effects completely, no such issue; or if i remove them on home key press and then reload them again on resume, no crash also, but that means have to wait for them to reload again....

    Stupid Microsoft... gave us false hope, wasted time for nothing! WinJS is useless because of these crippling HTML5 Audio bugs. I am going back to c++.

    I am working with few MS guys at my city. I have sent them few test samples. Hopefully they will find a fix. If possible please, upload your project on the ConnectIE link that Ashley shared in the above comments.

    But meanwhile I think SPARTAN Browser is the future for all WinJS Apps. It will be equivalent to Chrome in terms of features & HTML5 compatibility and also light weighted. Lets hope for the best!

  • How about exporting using intel xdk?

    I havent tried that! But will it make any difference since the game will still run on a Mobile IE?

  • This audio bug is driving me nuts!

    First I find a bug with Accelerometer now this? I can live without Accelerometer, but Audio? It seems to me WinJS is full of bugs... I miss XNA.

    Any idea when this will be resolved?


    Wish I had an answer for you but MS themselves are awfully quiet about this issue!

    I suspect they are pretty soon going to announce a new browser for Windows (and Phone), probably code named Spartan. And that one will be lighter and way advanced in feature than this buggy IE

    And because of this they are ignoring all old stuff!