Sabotcat's Forum Posts

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  • izicial!

    thanks...I've been messing with that for a day...and you fixed my bullet direction in a mirrored character. I put it in a sub-event below the spawning command that created the bullet. That seems to work, but let me know if there's an easier way to do it.


    Help! I did a cursory search of the beginners' forum, but still have a question. I've just downloaded the free version to Construct 2 to see if I can ween myself off of Gamesalad...but I find in the very first platformer tutorial I can't find the files I'm supposed to import into the game, I've searched my C drive for the appropriate png's but the don't seem to be there. It all go very complicated after that 'cause I couldn't follow along with the tutorial.

    let me know if I've downloaded the program incorrectly, need some guidance finding the files or they are not available in my version.



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  • Sabotcat here...writer and designer who's jumping over from GameSalad to have a look at how this works. I'm hopeful it's a bit cleaner. Will be back with questions as I go on! Cannot wait!

  • 3 posts