S7Games's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • I need help with the construct 3 debug preview!

    How much I use this function in this regard that it is always open the way I set it! example in image 1

    Instead every time I start or restart the debug preview the pages come together again, forcing me to waste my time tweaking them again, it gets to be floating! example in image 2

    Hope someone can help me with this!

    I have construct 2, it doesn't have this problem!

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  • Yea! is the same choking problem in the apk!

    The developers of scirra could work better on the performance of the final APK!

    Because the result of the current one is disappointing!

  • Hello, I always used construct 2, now I'm trying to migrate to construct 3!

    HoweverI am not at all satisfied with how my project is getting after having generated the APK in construct 3!

    The performance of the apk is amazing!

    For comparison I generated the same apk but in construct 2 and the difference is huge!

    Starts with the size of the apk!

    In construct 2 generating a debug mode apk without compressing and without incripating, the size of the finished apk was 350 kb!

    Already using C3 to generate the apk with the same settings the apk was 1,200 kb in size!

    In terms of performance, the same is true!

    The apk generated on the c3 was giving light beats, different from the generated on the C2!

    Maybe it is some configuration I left to do in C3, if someone can help me I will be grateful!

    The project I used for the tests was the bird flap!

    This project is available on the c2 and c3 as a demonstration!

    If anyone knows what the setting is to make a simple game that lighter and more fluid, please help!

    The phone used in the tests was a galaxy note 9 and an S10 plus

  • 3 posts