ryand444's Forum Posts

  • Hello there , so i have this idea i want to test for a game that uses allot of Speed/physics based elements , to give you a better idea of what i'm aiming to achieve just think of movement and physics similar to the Sonic the hedgehog games.

    if any one could point me in the right direction for creating the same kind of mechanics i would be most appreciative.

  • hey there , i recently got help trying to make a wave system for a tower denseness game , i used functions to tell the system to spawn different types of enemies however the wave system we have won't recognise these functions as instructions for each wave , rather just precedes to spawn all of them , any idea on what im missing?

  • hey again , i have tried to put the functions into the game , it seems to work fine and allows us to control the number of each type , however at the moment it doesn't seem to be understanding a pattern of functions it just spawns wave 2's instructions instead of 1 regardless of how i change it , is there any way to tell the game to follow them as instructions for each wave rather than every wave that would be very helpfull , im sorry if i haven't explained this correctly and thanks for your time.

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  • brilliant! , shinkan thank you very much , i will give this a go and see what happens it looks like it could be what we need.

  • that's kind of what we have set up at the moment , we have it so that it spawns the enemies until it reaches a certian number 10 choosing randomly from a pool of enemies each with their own sprites and animations in a famliy , what we want to do is to be able to control how many of what type is spawned each wave , i hope this is a better explanation.

  • any idea on how this would work any where i could find some tutorials or tips , i know im asking allot but my self i don' t know much about programming and i could use all the help i can get and thank you once again.

  • Hey there , me and a team are trying to create a tower defence game , we are trying to implement a wave system which we have the basis for but have no idea how to spawn a certain number of enemies from different groups all of which are in one family , all i need to know is how to create the system that will spawn the certian types in specific numbers? , also should i put the different classifications of enemies in different families or keep them in one family?

  • i thank you for the reply and your time , will post again if i need any more help.

  • any suggestions one how this can be fixed or how we can get the enemies to use path finding again?

    thanks once again for the help

  • So we are creating a tower defence game and have recently changed our enemy script to family of enemies only for the enemies to stop following the path completely

    there animations and statistics are still working and responding they just aren't moving on there paths .

    none of the path finding scripts have been changed it's just the enemy variable has been replaced by a family , any idea why this might be

    Thanks in advance for your time.

  • ok the first suggestion seems to have worked well , thanks to both of you for the help this will defiantly help in future :).

  • Hey everybody , kinda new to construct and the forums.

    i have been looking around for a while to a solution to this problem.

    i am trying to create a metroid esc game and i can't quite figure out how to create the ever increasing number of health bars ( tanks), i've created the player's health with a variable and limited it and then created a power up that activates the second health variable but i cant figure out how to tell the system that i want it to take the health from the second health variable and then the first , it ends up taking form both instead.

    if anybody could give me just a guide to creating this kind of system or

    just advice on it i would be grateful


    apologize if this is a stupid easy to fix problem by the way.