Ryan Kocourek's Forum Posts

  • Ok, thank you Ill put it into my game

  • Because you can have only like 1 or 2 apps at once, and you pay for more. And the size of the project needs to be below 50 mb. Ill try it again

  • Well, the limitations. I don't really want to pay for a little game that no one even gets anyway. So, I don't really know what to do now.

  • I don't know what you are trying to say...

  • So, lets start from the beginning, what I would of done was this (this is a example of clicking a button to randomize it, but it could be anything):

    Create a new global variable and have it be a number.

    Button On Clicked, System -> Set Value -> (Your global variable) -> "round(random(1,3))" ( remove quotes when typing). This is setting the global variable to be a random number between 1 and 3.

    Now for another event: Click on your character -> Set Animation -> (Your Global Variable name here without those quotes).

    BTW, if you want I can make an example CAPX

    • Ryan, Kdot Development
  • Ok, PhoneGap isn't really what I wanted... What else?

  • I'm worrying about cheating coins/chests/etc. so that means I would use your dynamic value method. And because I'm so unfamiliar with servers and all that, would it cost me any money? I don't really want to spend money on this little game that no one even finds on the app store. My idea is that maybe I connect it to their WIFI (Like a server that you can only access if you are on the hosts WIFI) but then I'd probably need to ask the users permission to do that. Otherwise Ill have a backup value that is "Coins * 1029 / 8756 * 2 / 1.1029" or something like that, and yes I have tried that method and it sets off the alarm when you just collect a coin. So maybe give me an example CAPX or something?

    • Ryan, Kdot Development

    BTW I know you aren't good at this subject, but it doesn't hurt to ask :P

  • I am slightly worried that someone will cheat on my game, and I HATE cheaters, so I want help making an anti-cheat. I did design one earlier, but when i collect a coin it sets off the anti-cheat. I would give a capx but I don't want people stealing my game. If you want moree info, just PM or reply.

    • Ryan, Kdot Development
  • Hello, is there a way to change my username? I'd like to change it to Kdot Development, if that is possible.

  • It's saying: Download for Windows 8.1, but I use 10, would it work?

  • ok

  • I am also looking at phone gap, but i don't know the pros or cons yet.

  • Ok, but does "sound issue" mean no sound at all, or bad sound?

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  • Ye, I was absent for a bit working on some other things, but when I came back I made all these changes only to realize that I couldn't export it.

  • Since the intel XDK thing where you cant export crosswalk, how am I going to export APK files? I don't want to pay for any licenses.