Rxanadu's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • Sorry for the second reply like this, but here are the errors I recently got:

    [4/20/2012 8:08:36 PM] Widgets

    Widget loading warning: <id> element not fully defined.

    [4/20/2012 8:08:37 PM] Auto Update

    Scheduled new update check in 148695 seconds.

    [4/20/2012 8:08:37 PM] Auto Update

    AutoUpdate activated.

    [4/20/2012 8:08:38 PM] CSS - localhost

    Inlined stylesheet

    -moz-border-radius is an unknown property

    Line 23:

               -moz-border-radius: 10px;


    [4/20/2012 8:08:38 PM] CSS - localhost

    Inlined stylesheet

    -webkit-border-radius is an unknown property

    Line 24:

               -webkit-border-radius: 10px;


    [4/20/2012 8:08:39 PM] CSS - localhost

    DOM style property

    Invalid value for property: zoom

    Line 1:



    [4/20/2012 8:08:39 PM] JavaScript - localhost


    Using Canvas 2D renderer

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  • I've been using Opera, which may have some plug-ins that counteract what's going on with the preview. Is there a way to change the browser I preview in without changing my default browser?

  • Just tried doing that. I get hit with a bunch of JavaScript errors. Any way to get past this? I only have Up event set up; the others didn't seem to work well.

  • 3 posts