russpuppy's Forum Posts

  • BluePhaze i've tried using both objects, but when i've only tried the cocoonjs plugin with managed mode (haven't tried unmanaged mode yet, what does it do? does it talk to google play servers instead of ludei's?)

  • Ashley Does your IAP object call the cocoonJS API or does it use googles API directly?

    ah, that's a good point. I haven't thought about using managed store vs unmanged store mode with the new IAP object. I might have to go back to the cocoonjs plugin and try that instead since there is a setting for it there

  • russpuppy I honestly haven't published the version that has that in it yet... Since I already published it as a paid game, I actually have to publish it as a separate app for the free version in order to not mess things up for those who have already paid for the current version. The other app stores don't have a trial version option like the MS store does. So if you don't go free with IAP to begin with on Google/Apple, it is hard to do so after the fact... but soon I will... I just hope it works. As a precaution I am going to store the state of the purchase as a variable and use the game save to store it so that it remembers of the IAP was purchased or not. But that still won't help for reinstalls on new devices, etc...

    Thanks. I have had trouble with restoring in-app purchases (after re-installs) and am looking for someone who has a solution to this. So far I've only seen comments from people who haven't gotten it to work yet.

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  • BluePhaze did you ever get restore purchases to work with CocoonJS?

  • BAnyBudde did you get restoring in-app purchases (user uninstall app, reinstalls app and restores purchase) to work?

  • Maybe this has already been answered but I've searched around a bit and haven't found much. What are the steps for restoring app purchases with CocoonJS?

    Here's the test scenario:

    1. User installs app

    2. User purchases IAP (non-consumable, managed product).

    3. They uninstall the app

    4. Later they reinstall the app

    5. Somehow they need to restore their IAP without buying it again

    Right now I'm using the IAP object and it's seems to work great for everything except restoring purchases, but I'm not sure how to set up the events for this.

    Is is the "Restore Purchases" action supposed to trigger the "Purchase completed" trigger? Because it never does for me.

    This tutorial doesn't have an answer and looks like cvp has the same problem as me:

    Any help or comments appreciated :)

  • does the restore purchase feature even work with CocoonJS? I haven't gotten it to work yet and and seeing lots of other people having a problem with it--but maybe i'm doing something wrong

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    Thijsku Thank you!! The XBox360 setting did it for me and now it's working great

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    anyone get PS3 controllers to work? I've tried using a wired PS3 controller and the MotioninJoy Gamepad Tool but can't get it to work with Construct 2 (works with other stuff like emulators though)

  • What are you using for camera movement (not magicam is it?)

    Also just curious, what gamepad did you have the players play on (xbox 360?)

  • i used Admob + iAd with MoPub and am pretty happy with that set up

  • not sure if it's what you're looking for but here's a few links i've enjoyed using:

    (i think eventually he's going to update this to let people add their own things to it)

  • there's also the IRC, not sure if it's still active or not


  • i just did a little googling, maybe this is a possible option? (android only?)

    also this has been discussed a little already on the forum here (talk about eject based plugin, ios only?)

  • Hey this is great, thank you. There's a lot of good time savers in here I didn't know about, like the "Crop Entire Animation" shortcut