I want to agree if it's going to grant us power, but just need to understand better.
I think Iʻll give it a shot,
Overboy can clear up anything I get wrong.
Imagine you are creating a game. In said game you have a spaceship. The space ship is really just a frame with many components. Engines, shields, thrusters, weapons, hull parts and so on. Each component on the ship doesnʻt need to know about other components implementations. The shield doesnʻt care what type of engine exists, so long as the power output is sufficient. The issue with the using functions, is that component specific code now needs to be placed under the ownership of other components which is BAD for maintainability and scaleability.
Lets say your dynamic spaceship is all set up and built by the player. Then lets say during a mission, an enemy fires a vampire hull mine that is triggered by arcane engine output excess. Where do you put that code?
The easiest and best answer is that it should go in the eventsheet/script for the vampire hull mine, not the arcane engine script. When the custom action to activate the engine triggers, there should only be code related to what the engine does. It doesnʻt care it there is a mine on the hull or not. you shouldnʻt have to write "if vampirehullmine is attached, then call vampirehullmine.activate". Instead, that should be in the vampire mineʻs script : "On specific engine type on a specific craft activates...".
What if you have a shield that autoactivates on the ship hull taking damage? Imagine all the code tangle that will become impossible to manage once you have 10 different types of energy storage systems, dozens of weapon types, dozens of engine types, modules that add unique and specific abilities, components that dynamically react to specific situations or the pressence of other components, and so forth. A single ship could easily have dozens of parts. Just like a character in a rougue action game could have dozens of dynamic abilities, plus equipment, plus weapons.
The issue seems not so bad when you make a single spaceship object in an arcade shooter and just hardcode everything. But the moment you try to make complex interacting systems, you need architecture/organization to handle it. In my experience, you have to add alot of custom boiler plate code to handle message passing in construct. I use callbacks, but that means every object has to maintain a list of listeners and iterate through it in order to callback to them when some event takes place. That equates to alot of foreach/pickbyUID/callback function.
AND I didnʻt even get into passing parameters! Which is an absolute must. Many times, you want to pass several, or a whole object... ("UID to ANYTHING" ) probably the best 3rd part asset ever.