That makes sense. Thanks for the details
ASHLEY. indeed, it is clear now.
If you had any thoughts on the below, I would great appreciate it.
If nested families takes too much work and isn't a priority, there is one thing that may be easy to implement that would alleviate part of the issue (namely communicating between families). Currently, the easiest way to to communicate between families is to use a common variable (z order, opacity, color, etc...). But that won't work if need those for what they were made for. The following suggestion is useful not just in context of the current issue, so deciding to have nested families in the future wouldn't make this suggestion obsolete.
If we could extend/define our own common variables for a plugin, then would could use those between families to communicate and aid in picking. For example, if I could create an instance variable that would then be available to every single instance, regardless of family, then I could use that to share data between them. Basically a type of custom common variable.
The other option (which also has its own beifits even if nesting is later added) is to allow families to share instance variables or behaviors between them. Currently construct knows when a behavior called "platformer" already exists on an object type and won't allow us to add it again without it being a different name. Would it be easy to simply allow both families to refer to the same behavior/var? Then defining shared functionality would be as easy as naming the behavior or variable the same name accross families and not preventing it. Since construct prevents the same name, I am assuming that a particular conflict could be leveraged as a useful feature. You would still have to potentially repeat code in this setup, but using a shared variable would be more akin to defining an interface.
I made the argument that nesting is the most important feature on the github post, but I think that only applies to managing larger projects or advanced use cases where complexities of abstraction are the most pressing issue. But I understand the benefits of this would not be apparent to many beginners.
I would add, that for me at least, if changing families to allow for nesting made all family use less performant at game run time, I wouldn't like that either. lol
As it stands the foreach workaround and uid picking isn't terribly inconvenient, but it does become a performance drain, and if the performance drop from that is unbearable I can at least try other methods.