this._worldInfo is in the manual. I haven't seen it used anywhere else, which is why I was asking.
I ask about saving the reference for the simple reason that the documentation isn't clear about what exactly GetWorldInfo() does and doesn't provide guidance on best practices.. If it is simply returning a reference that takes no work to collect that is fine - but I have worked with a number of Engines that can have to do quite a lot of work for internal calls like that, and its safer to just cache everything you use (assuming what you got wasn't just a copy of the data).
I'm authoring behaviors for the purpose of saving performance and would like to avoid naive use of the api. Without examples of how to use it, or further documentation , there really isn't any place to look but the official behaviors and plugins. Its silly to expect users to master the provided api with basically 0 examples.
To add further difficulty, you can search the sdk manual, and get 0 results for an item that is in the manual sometimes, or links to only one page when it is on 5. The moral of the story is that it is quite difficult to simply refer to the manual to figure out how to do something, and much easier to look at a behavior you KNOW is already doing that thing.