rscohn2's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • The test tab uses the android webview, not crosswalk. The debug tab will launch your app in crosswalk and should be the easiest way to test your app on the device. We will be merging debug/test tabs and let you specify crosswalk or android webview. Debug tab will also let you do remote debugging, including javascript breakpoints of an app running on your android device. The profile tab also runs the app on crosswalk. It helps you tune performance of javascript by giving profiles with line number granularity.

    I used the Test tab and plugged my phone into my system to test the game. My FPS was very very low, would it be better if I built it and ran it directly on my device? or is that as good as it gets?

    Also, after the build is done, it just goes back to the "Build app now" screen, and i dont see any confirmation of where the files went to test?

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  • Crosswalk supports 4.0 and later. The XDK build dialog does say 4.2 and we are fixing it.

  • AnD4D

    The icon problem is an issue with XDK support for crosswalk. We are working on it.

  • 3 posts