roteam's Forum Posts

  • Hello, so what am i trying to do is kind of a double click. When the user press the button for the first time it stops the music and when it press it again it starts it. The problem with my code is that after i add the second click (to turn the music back to on) code, i can not press the button!

  • Hello, so what am i trying to do is to add a drunk character and the player need it to keep it in balance using 2 arrows(left or right) . And i was wondering how to i make the character move(to simulate the drunk).

    P.S. i don't want the character to remain on their position and only balance left or right. I want them to also move to right or to the left.

    So what i tryed as far was the Rotate behavior(so i make the player loose their balance and simulate the falling) and the Platformer behavior(to make them also move left and right) , but the Rotate behavior doesen't work as i want to.

  • Hello, so i have a planet and I can't make the gravity to work as i want to.

    *The circle is the planet and the square is the character*

    I want to make something like Mr. Flap (so when i tap the screen the bird will go up ). But i can not make the character to keep goin forward but in that circle shape.(If you did not understood my explication, please check this Yt video with Mr. Flap www . youtube . com/watch?v=3sMHIOc9ZL0 )

  • Where are you trying to upload the game?

  • LittleStain thank you

  • Yes i have a question.

    I do not need the text to show me "random(0,50) + random (0,50) =" this. So i made to this //int(random(0,50))& "+" & int(random(0,50)) & "=" //

    Now this code will show me 23+4 (for example). But now how do i make the second text to actually make the sum between those numbers ? ( i did not got this part "equation.sum+random(-5,5)")

  • that's not random text,but random question each level/section

    yup, my bad

  • Not necesarely randomly generated. All i want is an easyer way to make the game.

  • Hello,

    I am trying to make a game like freaking math but i have a problem. In this game you get questions like (1+2=3 or 1+1=4) and you have to say if they are true or correct. I was thinking to make more events and if the player answers correct to sent them to a random event with another question. But this would not be the best ideea becouse it will take me more than 100 events. Also i was thinkng to make more layers and say if layer X is visible & player press the correct button make layer invisible, make another layer visible and so on. But also this will take a lot of events and layers. Another ideea would be to make a spritefont and change the texts and compare the text to know if the answer is right or no.

    All of those ideea would take lots of resources, do you have any other ideea?

  • also i have this problem when i create objects...

    some of them are created good but the rest are moved

    this is the condition

  • What i want is when a variable hits 10(for example) to change the speed of all incoming objects to CurrentSpeed+200.

    But this only change the speed to the objects that are in layout, but when the system spawn another one it has the same initial speed.

  • Thank you very much sir, would you mind deleting the attachment please?

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  • W/e i can't send PM , I will post it here. In the last thing i tried to reset everything manually.

  • The player restart, but the layout it doesn't restart (i use lots of global variables for animations and stuff). Can i send you the project via PM to take a look?

  • I have tried the "Restart Layout" function. I have tried the " Go to layout" function. But nothing, neither one of this work, even if i reset the global variables. The player starts from where it remained the last time. Is this a bug or what(i also find lots of bugs witch are very annoying)