Rostes's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • Thx pulsar ! It's work great.

    And without line of sight, nice !

  • Thx for ur answer Coincoin.

    I try ur solution but just 1 enemy is dealing damage. (-1hp/s)

    I would like that all enemy in range deal their own damage with their own attack speed.

    U can download my example here :


    My hero have to take -20hp (10x2) each second, but here he just take 10 each second.

    ^^ thx for help

  • I just update with a screenshot

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  • Hello Guys !

    Since a long time i try to receive from my hero damage from multiple enemy's source.

    I would like to do this :

    When an enemy is coming in Hero's line of sight, enemy do animation "attack" then deal his "damage" every ""his attack speed" seconde"(And subtract damage to health bar).

    But ! when a second enemy is coming, this second enemy deal his damage with his attack speed. (And subtract damage to health bar)

    I try lot of things with for each, array, while but always just 1 enemy deal his damage.

    I hope u understand my problem.

    Thx for help !

  • 4 posts