roracle's Forum Posts


    It's mine, but it should work for any platformer. It's only graphics and animations, one bug I can't remember (it's with jumping, that's a little hint) but all in all it's a nice package. Has backdash, attacking, backflips, sneaking, blocking, the works.

    Also, there are TONS of animations NOT being used as well, so enjoy!

  • I'm about to start designing an inventory system, and I have NEVER done anything like this before. I suggest you read up on tutorials, search the forums for other users who have done it, etc. Also search Google for other code besides C2 that someone has made, and see how they do it, as well. It's as hard as programming anything else (which isn't hard at all) but I do think an inventory system requires a little more planning than most other things.

  • It's a good practice to use OGG files for sound. Microsoft is the ONLY one who doesn't support OGG as far as I know. It's cute you guys like to have your games working in IE, but I think it's time to put on the big boy pants and realize Internet Explorer is not just the least used browser, but it's also the most incompatible with HTML3...and 4 is a struggle, and I won't even get into 5. I'm sure the reason ACID tests always displayed funky in IE was due to them not knowing what they were doing, and I'm pretty sure if I were a MS employee, when Balmer told me to "get the acid test working" I would never have fixed the actual problems, but instead had just finagled until acid, and ONLY acid, was working.

    I know I know, to each his own...but I don't live on Mars because there is no Oxygen. Microsoft, in turn, has asked us all to live on Mars since 3.11 and guess what? No oxygen. It's great for the view, but hardly worth the trip in the end. Don't hang yourselves up on getting your game to work in IE, because I gave up on that when I was learning HTML standards. I don't even put "if IE" tags in my web pages. If you use IE, you don't need to be at my page, that sort of thing. If it works right, bravo, if not, oh well sorry.

    I think it's time Microsoft had a taste of their own medicine anyways. For all the systems I can't play my old games on, I won't be remiss for excluding Microsoft from my personal plans.

  • The product is still being developed on, but basic editing is the main concern because there will be more stable releases in the future. There have been many updates, and using the full version I haven't encountered any of the bugs you have mentioned. I got it way back during the early adopters, and it's worked 100% of the time aside from beta builds. I try to not use beta builds unless it contains features I could benefit from, and as best practice I keep a backup of my files anyways. It's all preference. I should say also, that if you do graphics in a proper way, you can bypass effects for a different effect. HTML5 canvas and WebGL are still being developed on as well, and _hardware still has to catch up!_ To release to as many platforms as possible, you have to make sacrifices of what you think is cool for players, which in turn end up process intensive. This is a competitive field, but making that sacrifice of "cool looking" for speed and finding different display methods during this time can be beneficial on the whole. Know your own limitations, and it's important to know the limitations of your audience.

    It's worth the buy if you're witty enough to live in the moment, not just with C2's stage of development, but HTML's as well. Also remember Acid3tests, as browsers aren't 100% themselves. We are in a developing process, and it's not going to be too much longer before everything (hardware wise) is powerful enough to benefit from the new technologies.

  • What is the effect you are trying to achieve? I don't think I have a clear view, because there is the scroll to behavior which to me sounds the same thing: the camera never leaving the center point.

    Could you explain exactly what it is you're trying to accomplish? Like the final goal that is?

  • Is there anything other than Pyxel Edit that is actually free? I don't mind the $9 but not before I try it, and I don't see a demo link.

  • Because I have an RPG I'm designing, and it would be neat to make it multiplayer when the object or update comes out, what would be the best practice?

    Currently, I have my object that does all the moving (an invisible object for better detection, etc.) holding all the skills and stats variables, along with other booleans and variables that go along with the actions. Is this a good way of handling it? Or would using an array be better? I'm sure whatever method I use for the character, I will duplicate and adjust for enemies as well.

    Thanks in advance for the input guys!

  • When grabbing sprites from the web for testing purposes or what have you, the sprites are usually not in a "import friendly" manner. For example:

    As you can see, the first line of sprites is 10 in number, whilst sitting above only 5 sprites beneath it. It is not ready to be imported. Then you have this:

    Here we have an example of sprites in an "import friendly" arrangement. The previous sheet would take maybe hours of positioning and measuring out all the segments to ensure the proper sprites are in the proper place for importing into almost any game engine.

    My question is this: what is it called when it is like the second picture, the "import friendly" style? I'm trying to google search for general placeholder sprites, and i hate wasting time organizing sprites that I will eventually toss out for my own later.

    Also, is there software that can take the style of the first picture and organize it for you?

  • I use OGG format, and the software I use is Audacity. I have ZERO problems playing the sounds or music in ANY browser (I don't count IE since it's not so much a browser as it is a dodge ball cannon).

  • I usually have friends test my game as I work on it (and no matter how much I tell them "only this is done" they keep asking for an entire game, so annoying) but I would always send them a dropbox link to the public HTML where they can play it. But recently, every time I link someone to dropbox, the link disappears, and if it's in a message, it says it's been marked as viral. This is a facebook problem I think, not with C2. Scirra needs to contact Facebook and fix this, I've sent many requests to facebook to unblock dropbox links, but every time I try to send one it's ignored by facebook...again, this is even with a regular public HTML link posting to a message or group.

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  • It's probably the shaders, since that's the frame rate problems I've had. I would say don't worry about "unprofessional" because you can still do sprite graphics in a professional way. If it's not sprites, there are tons of techniques to use to give similar effects. The goal is not hang yourself up on a situation when it could easily be done another way. Especially if you're releasing for mobile, the screen size on most devices that people play on is small enough to where sprites look nice even without shaders (if that is what it is).

  • Okay I think the example you gave on the other post wasn't the CAPX so I didn't really know what to do, they both loaded in the browser as HTML files. I did take your suggestion though, I just suck at understanding these things. lol

  • Is there a way to check if a function is running, and if so to wait before calling it again? I'm having this problem where I call the same function two times. The way it happens:

    If skill >= skillnext call function "level"

    On function "damage", deal damage variable to enemy, then distribute points for "hits" and "misses" to the skill being used, call function "display text" "you deal 6 points of damage"

    On function "level", call function "display text" "your unarmed has gone up, it is now 3"

    Here, you see the second line calls text to display, as does the third, but the third you don't see until you level, but when you do you get the "damage" text and the "level" text in teh same sprite box. I'll send my CAPX to anyone willing to tackle the problem. Please be serious.

  • Yeah, I'm still not sure how to accomplish this. The issue is still there even with faster text because like the problem has been, it's calling two lines of text to display at once. The problem with mine is it calls text saying you hit or miss, then it calculates damage and tells you how much you do in damage, and it tells if your skill has raises by a whole point when it happens. It runs one function to do the hit/miss, then when complete it calls for damage which displays text. They are two functions called two separate times. The thing is, "leveling" is called from the "damage" function. So if you do damage, you gain skill and if that skill is greater than x.0 it tells you "your skill in bla has gone up, it is now X" (x being the new skill level).

    I thought since they were separate functions, they would act as such, but as you said they call them all at once. If you wait(0) it just delays it for the NEXT message instead, and making them all wait(0) causes it to just catch up with itself.

    For a game development software, it's baffling why they offer text output in a "word" style design instead of a built in plugin for general text output like most games have. The sprite font is cool, but a fully integrated gamer style text box would be so relieving.

  • roracle

    In your version (with the double function call) putting a wait (0) befor the second call does appear to fix it...

    See, this is an RPG, and a lot of text will be displayed. I tried it already and it just made it cause the error in a _different_ call for text. lol