roracle's Forum Posts

  • I read the first page and I must say, if you're designing World of Warcraft on an old 8088 then you're SOL. BUT you can do something LIKE wow on an 8088 but you have to limit yourself. Same stuff, same options, just worse graphics/sounds. You always have to know your hardware before you work upon it, and making games is no different in this respect.

  • When shooting to the left, change it's speed to a negative number. That's how I do it.

    If player sprite is mirrored, set bullet speed to -800, if player sprite is not mirrored, set to 800

  • RookieDev



    HEY GUYS! I found the CAPX file that was randomly placed among the forums, I knew I had seen it ages before, but it allows jumping with 8 Direction movement and it's pretty simple (four sprites, two lines of code).

    I put it on my dropbox for safe keeping. ... _jump.capx

  • Yes, as soon as Touch.X and Touch.Y are overlapping an object while dragging, I need it to store the UID and various data about that object. I know there are other ways of doing this, but I didn't know if there were associated actions or if I have to be a little more savvy with coding it?

  • I mean when I touch something, I want to drag it elsewhere, and as it's dragging, while the touch x and y is over a new place, it should read from that object. but it can't be the sprite that does the detecting because if it's over two things then it's trying to do both, it has to be a 1x1 pixel perfect collision.

  • Title should say it all. However, as having an object follow Touch.X and Touch.Y to detect collisions is laggy (the touch cursor lags behind). If I could detect Touch on collision with an object, that would be awesome. I have searched the forum for this data and cannot find anything related, or I do not know what I am searching for. Thank you!

  • SOLUTION 100% working so far as I can tell:

    Add a 1x1 sprite, name it CursorLoc, Visibility at start: Invisible.

    Add two lines of code beneath the globals, before anything else (in this order, too, since it is picky):

    Touch is in touch: set position to (Touch.X, Touch.Y)

    Touch on any touch start: set position to (Touch.X, Touch.Y)


    "Cursor is over invSlot" with "CursorLoc is overlapping invSlot" (etc, equipSlot as well)

    "Mouse Left Button is NOT down" with "Touch is NOT in touch"

    "Click on Item" replace with "Touch on touch object Item"

    Replace all actions where "Mouse.X" or "Mouse.Y" are with "Touch.X" and "Touch.Y". (These are mixed in with algorithms, just change the Mouse to Touch)

    EDIT: In order for the stats to work (see "STATS" group of events), just change it to "Touch Is in touch" instead of "Mouse Left button is NOT down". This works almost as needed: it displays the stats while dragging the item about. If you drag an item and hover over an equipped item it will display the stats of the lesser item if it's equipped (as expected). Moving a lesser item over a more powerful item only displays the lesser item's stats. The desired goal is to have the stats of a more powerful item over it instead. This isn't necessary for me as stats will all be displayed elsewhere, but if you need it, know that this bug is there.


  • I think it has to do with clicking the object, dragging it, and it's supposed to store the UID of the slot, but it doesn't or something like that. I wish I had more info, but my main post is really all I can say about it.

  • No, I understand that part, I just uploaded the raw version of the CAPX without the Touch object. I've worked _with_ the Touch object trying to get everything working properly and it isn't translating correctly and I can't figure out why for the life of me.

  • It is made with mouse in mind, but I've worked on this for 24 hours now and can't figure it out. It isn't mine, I found it in at some point a week ago while shuffling through tutorials and forum postings.

    Please, someone take a look at this and help a poor sap! Yes, I know there are some things I cannot do with touch, but basic moving things around and equipping things is all I need. The stats display I'll handle my own way.

    Thanks again in advance!

    EDIT: This is the raw version of the Inventory system I found somewhere on the forums or tutorials. I've already, in a copy of this file, added the Touch object and translated everything, but it doesn't work as one imagines it should. That part of translating took about 10 minutes, but I've spend the last 23 hours and 50 minutes trying to get it working but to no avail.

  • Willing to pay for someone to implement an inventory system in my game. Specifications set by myself, price will be discussed privately.

    Please PM for more information.

  • Since I'm going to have a huge world, and it's all side scrolling, and space is limited, is it possible to advertise throughout the world using a billboard style thing built into the game instead of an ugly bar across the bottom? If there are standards for these things, can we not say "screw it" and start a new standard? Imagine RPGs with back rooms where NewEgg or Amazon can advertise through your game, selling top items on the shelves in your game! You can get a profit as a retailer, and they can profit off the product, the customer gets to shop without really leaving!

    This could work _very_ well for top/down games as well.

    mind = blown

    or bad idea?

    EDIT: This is simply an idea for an add-on to a game you may already have. Sometimes people want to take a break from gaming and do something else, yes, but imagine if they can go shopping right in the game near a save point or log out place. That gives them a distraction from the the game (because it's not causing them to think about being killed or spending their GP or what-not...well, real GP sure, like dollars or euros, but you know what I mean). Please add thoughts, expand on this idea, let your minds run free in the green fields of your mushy brains.

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  • That's a good question. I would also like the answer. But to expand on the question: since I'm going to have a huge world, and it's all side scrolling, and space is limited, is it possible to advertise throughout the world using a billboard style thing built into the game instead of an ugly bar across the bottom?

  • When doing this, it's a good practice to know when, exactly, you are picking things up, and have it always turn off the physics behavior while dragging, but back on while not. It seems to work for me more often than not, and I do it with multiple behaviors.

  • Do a "new tank" function, and have it do all that from the function maybe? Also read up on containers if that will help.