RolGD's Forum Posts

  • Hello

    I have a system of enemie spaw based on system wait random(x,y) seconds. But when testing, sometimes a enemie spaws in a time that are not espected. I noticed that when press f5 after die, to restart, it dont happens. But when I go to the restart layout and come back by there this happens.

    I think that the system wait (thats only in the sheet for that specifc layout) is running even when in another layouts. (for example: item B will respaw only in system wait 20 seconds of that layout, but i die, spend 10 seconds to restart, and the item appears with 10 seconds. can be that?

    Please, if you could happens, will be nice!

    EDIT: Like dop2000 noticed I was using "system for every x second" instead of "system wait". Sorry by the wrong direction I gave Tomycase

  • I erased a file on window "open file- google drive- select file- right button-delet). After I need this file, but cant find the file in the trash folder of G Drive.

    Theres a place where I can find it? or recovery?


  • Hello,

    My game was first seted up to keyboard (keybord object). For mobiles I will setup the touch object.

    But when the joyticks for smartphones are the case, and there are so many diferent options, how it works? Only configure one joystick object is enough or there are more thinks I want to know?

    In the script, have 3 options ('or' blocks) by each type of control(keyboard, touch and joystick) in each action, can be a performance problem to my game?

    Thank you!


  • I'm glad that you all come to help. I already do regular backups.

    I have the following questions:

    A corrupted file can open as if it was not corrupted? Or it will always show a message that the file is corrupeted?

    Data sent over the internet can be changed due to malfunction? For example, I send "101" but for a reason, like the cabes in fire, the value/information arrives, but with alteration like "11" or "011" or something else diferent, without we be advised of error in Construct?

  • Internet and energy get unstable at my city. What happens if this happens while I'm saving my project?(30% or 90% progress for exemple) Could the file be corrupted or somenthing else?

    Even fiber optic wires have appeared on fire in the city, if intentionally provoked or accidental I dont know, but could this change the information sent to the server in any way?

    What should I do?


  • I already know what was the problem. BY default the screen beguns in the top left corner of layout, and my camera is in the midle. The game start and very fast the screen go where my camera (center in) is, but before that its where in the top left corner, where I put my object to start to walk untill reach the screen. So the object was in the screen by this time, before the screen go to the camera (center in) in the middle of laout.

    I appreciate you come to help.

  • I want to shot an action when the object appears in the camera/screen. I'm using the "is on the screen" condition // system wating 1 second - shot action) but the action shots before the sprite comes to the camera.

    So I try to shot the action when the object1.X > object2.X-50, this would work in my case if running, but is not running too.

    Could someone help me to undestand what is missing? Mainly in the first approach.

  • Ashley

    Please, need some help with the better pratice to do this effect, to make a cenario sprite run continuous trough a diagonal angle (without disapear while dont get out entirely).

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  • I know that the wrap behavior only works after the entire object leaves the layout/screen. What I please would like to know is a way to every portion of the object that go out, appears in the other side. So, for example, if we talk about a body sprite if the head and shoulders crossing the upon right border, will so appearing in the left down side as it leaves. (like portal, for example, or even the wrap symbol by itself).


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  • dop2000I very apreciate the help! It worked! I had not read much about local storage because of the new game save function, but looking at the example you sent I got how it works.

  • Hello!

    I load a JSON file in an array on the start of one layout. The data of this array pass by changes during the game, but when I start that layout the "on start of layout" reload the JSON file on the array, erassing the game progress related to this array, so I want to change the json file (save it with the new data of the array).

    I dindt find an option to save, just dowload (what is not the point) an load (array.AsJSON) but its not working, I dont know how. I want some help with some thing I'm not understending on this point, to save the json with the new data of the array, so when "on the start of layout" load the json file into the array it will load the right data.


  • Interesting, maybe in a moment I will research on the topic.

    (About the image, when trying to link, only a numeric code like this img = 340xx between [] appeared.

    But for me the issue of the topic has already been resolved. I appreciate the help.)

  • I apreciate the help.

    I get in doubt about the measurement unity, if is pixel. Like the Screen size unity, and the sprite height and width. Because I dont know how a sprite 1 height and 1 width can reproduce a circle and grandient so well as are reproduced.

    I attached a image.

  • Hello!

    A sprite made in Photoshop with, for example, 10x10px was used in my project. At 100% scale I thought it was at its original size and every square there was a pixel. But by decreasing this sprite to 1% scale there was no distortion, all the painted pixels were there, raising the question: what is the displayed size, because a pixel could not be even smaller.

    The same happened with a degraded circle (made in larger proportions). By lowering it to a size smaller than the 10x10 pixel art for example, it continued a great, non-pixelated circle and with a great gradient. this at the minimum scale size of the Construct properties window, and smaller thant my 10x10 pixel art, what give me the impression that a lot of pixels ( necessary to make a circle and a degrade) is fiting in a one pixel space.

    So I'm not understanding the size parameters and how its really works in the layout.
