RogerFoxGames's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • It doesn't work, using normal admob plugin I can load and show banner and interstitial correctly (not rewarded videos, so I tryed this plugin) but your plugin doesn't work!

    I installed cordova-plugin-admobpro, but "onbannerAdPreloaded" and "onInterstitialPreloaded" never triggers, but also onBannerAdFailed" and "onInterstitialFailed" never triggers.

    Can you help me please?

  • Ok thank you, I'll try!

  • I don't know, maybe in later C2 version they will fix it

  • What I have to say? You're a genious, you save my life!!

  • I don't know, for me it works. Maybe this plugin needs a bug fix in next C2 versions. Try looking on other topics

  • Did you set the correct banners ID and the correct action/events to display ads?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • It exists. Typing "cordova-plugin-ad-admob" in plugin selection I found the correct plugin working on android and ios. Try using ctrl+c, maybe you typed wrong?

  • To add plugins on cocoon visit, then upload your game in .zip folder and select him (clicking on settings). Go to plugins>search and type the correct name. To show a banner in your game, you have to preload it (maybe on "on start of layout"). In "On banner loaded" you may want to put "show banner". Do the same for interstitial (they're fullscreen banners or videos)

  • Hello everybody.

    I made a shooter game for PC using nw.js, now I want to publish the same game on android.

    The question is: can I use the same code or I need to remove not supported events, like Nwjs? If I keep Nwjs code, may this cause crash or bug in android/ios devices?

  • I'm using construct 2 release 239 and the pre-installed admob ads plugin

  • Hi! I had the same problem but after a while I solved it. Here is the link of my topic

  • Hi everyone!

    Rise of Monsters is a top-down shooting game where you have to fight an alien invasion and save the planet. You can use lots of poverful (and funny/stupid) weapons, like The Philosopher, the Flamethrower or the Geometron (my favourite). You're also accompanied by an egocentric and growler robot, so what else do you want?

    You will fight powerful bosses and explore apocalyptic scenarios and you will try to find out how to stop this invasion. The game is not completed, I have to finish the story, but you can play it without problems.

    Scirra Arcade:

    Visit my website to download it!

  • Hi, I'm making a top-down multiplayer game where a player has to build his car and fight against other players. You have different cars, wheels, weapons and pilots, and I need someone who can draw it. Contact me on if interested!

  • Hello everyone

    I did a simple app to test admob plugin, but it doesn't work. I tried everything, using Intel XDK, PhoneGap,Cocoon, but "On banner ad received" and "On interstitial received" never triggers. After some tests I got an error report using Intel XDK emulator that says


    There is no handler for the following exec call AdMobPlugin.setUp

    I think this is caused by C2 action "Preload banner ad", maybe is this the problem? I'm expert in C2 and there are no error in the code, and BannerID is correct.

    Can you help me?


    I tried adding different plugins, finally I found the correct one!

    Here are the procedure:

    1) In Google AdMob I created a banner and interstitial. I took their ID (app ID is not necessary)

    2) In C2 I've imported AdMob plugin and setted banner and interstitial ID

    3) Exported using cordova

    4)Deleted config.xml

    5)Using, I've uploaded my app in .zip

    6)Added plugin cocoon-plugin-ads-android-admob and cordova-plugin-ad-admob

    (I think the last one is the correct plugin, but I prefer to keep the first too)

    7)Built the app for android and installed in my phone

  • 14 posts