RockyCake's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • Thanks, Joannesalfa. I guess I have to go around this.

  • Bring Up My Post~ Still awaiting.

  • Hi guys, anyone with help?

  • Greetings, I have successfully port my game into iPhone using via appMobi/phoneGap and yet, there are problems with the text and sound. In some layouts the text is not displayed at the appropriate positions. And, there are some with no texts output at all.

    Sound is also another issue where only certain sounds are played. Adjustments made in sound works in simulator but not in the device. Very strange.

    Please help regarding this issue.



  • Thanks Mike! I guess I have to cater for different aspect ratios.

  • Greetings guys, I need help on mobile platform porting. I am currently using phoneGap. It appears that there are size issues due to project scaling. What is the appropriate way to do this?

    It works well for iPad dimensions as the images for my project are of 768x1024. However, in iPhone it is scaled automatically by C2 export using fullscreen in browser [On] in my project settings. After exporting, there are white borders in the canvans because the images are not scaled to the correct iPhone size.

  • Hello, no problem! Anyways, your sprites have a component called 'Instance variables' properties, its just above the behavior properties.

    Click add/edit and it will pop out a window. Add a new variable on it and that's pretty much about it.

    here is the link for more info.

  • Hi, stev. I'm guessing you would want to put a selected variable in the sprite? For example, sprite1.selected = 1 when on mouse/touch. Then, register the position and move your selected sprite to it. Cheers.

  • Awesome, now I get it. Thanks!

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  • hi guys. any update on this?

  • Hey guys, I'm new here but I'll skip with the intro and on to the problem at hand.

    I set my audio timescale to be enabled on sound effects only.

    However, when I implemented my pause function by changing time_scale to 0.

    My sound effects is still playing. Anyone have any idea why?

  • 11 posts