Rockssc's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • delgado I found two in a text and one as the name of a sprite. I do not know if it can happen to sounds.

    if you are also with this problem so check all the names of your files ,one by one, carefully.

  • Since OP seems like non-english speaker, i can assure that some of his files contain characters like "ç" "^" "~" etc used in other languages (like portuguese).

    Make sure all of your files do not contain these foreign characters. It makes trouble when the browser begins to read the files, and that's why the loading bar becomes red.

    You were right, Macebo

    I had 3 "~". when you told me that I changed 2 "~" but left one, well hidden. so the problem remained.

    many thanks to you.

    Also, this tip should be fixed in the beginners guide. Seriously.

  • Thanks for Reply, Macebo.

    Unfortunately, your tip has not solved my red bar.

    Anyway, I upload my game here, as a test, and I had no problems.

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  • So, I get this red bar too.

    I tried several times but it does not work.

    what now?

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

  • Hello,

    I'm not very good at these things but, here we go...

    My name is Sandro, I'm 22 years old and live in Brazil. Since childhood I've always liked video games and always dreamed of developing them. Always looking for tools that could help make games. But the difficulty of finding tutorials and translation from English to Portuguese hindered and discouraged enough (Not to mention the programming, I really tried but I could not use. programming is not for me because I like drawing :D I am part of the game art).

    Advancing the time, I did a college game here in Brazil. But, unfortunately, did not correspond to my expectations. just learned the basics of creating games. Nothing to help really.

    last year I discovered the site of scirra and after researching it I was very happy because I found that this tool was everything I wanted. Not require programming and facilitated everything with a few clicks. Then finally bought her, a little over a month, and I'm practicing and studying the tutorials calmly and soon I'll post games for people to play. I'm very happy to be part of this community. I hope to learn more each day can make even better games, make people have fun, and maybe, in the future, make some money ^^

    Well, that's it. Thanks if you read this.

    (and sorry for my bad English, I am using a translator :p)

  • 5 posts