robit_studios's Forum Posts

  • It's odd, I also get a crash if I attempt to call a TiledBackground's variable name by "Expression" in the event editor. This must also be tied into the Python crash.

    Regardless of that I found a workaround method that's messy, but works.

  • Thanks ROJO.

    Unfortunately, I just gave that a shot and it still causes the same crash.

  • Here the cap:

    I was able to get the Run2 animation playing by adding a couple extra conditions. I checked for the X Speed of the Platform Behaviour and test that against the Width of the players Body Animation (which tells us which direction it's facing). There are better ways to do that, but I didn't want to change your .cap too much.

    I would make a private variable called "playerDirection" and make it 1 when he's facing right and -1 when he's facing left. Then when you're calling animations just test the "playerDirection" against the actual Movement Speed to determine which animation to play.

    Your animations look awesome, btw!

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  • What's happening (I think) is that every tick the animation was switching to Crawling and then quickly switching to another animation and therefore never moved past the first frame.

    It looks like two issues to me.

    First, I think Construct was automatically setting the animations based on the platform behaviour. To fix this I renamed some of your animations so that they aren't considered default platform animation names.

    Second, I changed your code so that it will only set the "Walking" and "Standing" animation when the down button isn't pressed.

    I also added an event that will set the animation speed of the crawling animation so it doesn't animate when standing still.

    Here's the cap:

  • I think this is probably a bug in CC but I wanted to get some verification.

    I'm trying to do something fairly simple: change a private variable of a TiledBackground object in Python. However I keep crashing the game when I attempt.

    This is the code: TiledBackground.SetValue('test',10)

    And here's a cap showing the problem in action:

    As you can see in the example, this exact code works fine for Sprites but it doesn't like TiledBGs. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I need this for a level editor/loader that Im working on.

    I would also appreciate any ideas for a workaround if this is indeed an unfixable bug.

    Thanks again!

  • Resurrecting this crazy old thread to see if anyone ever found a solution for this.

    Any way to change the sampling at runtime or with a command line?

  • Ashley Thanks for taking the time to respond, even though it's disappointing to hear. I'm a big fan of C2 - I've been a supporter from early on but it was still too fresh in development when I started my game a year and a half ago. Switching over now would be difficult to justify.

    Do you think there's any way, using Python, to get a layout to choose which sheet it's referencing at runtime? If it's an architectural flaw, there's probably not, though.

    Looks like my best solution will be a level editor and just have one layout that runs everything - it's a lot of work, but it'd still be a lot easier than porting everything to C2.

  • I don't know what's happening as the EXE loads, but, not only is the export time significantly reduced, but the EXE load time goes from about 53 seconds to 3 seconds.

    Also the EXE file size went from 88MB to 38MB.

    Again, I did not remove any anything. I simply pointed all the layouts to a blank event sheet.

    I really wish I could find a solution for this - it seems too simple.

    Jayjay thanks for the link to your level editor - i'll check it out.

    Arima I didn't know that was what was happening until today. It seems like a fairly inefficient way to do things. I guess that's why they started over with C2.

  • I'm resurrecting this old thread. I've been struggling with long compile/preview times for awhile now and I finally made a breakthrough that is both good and bad. I'm hoping I can solicit some advice on how to mitigate some of the bad.

    First, let me explain:

    I discovered that my long preview time (which affects the final exe's startup time) is a combination (and compounding) of two things: A lot of events and a lot of layouts. Now that seems self-explanatory, but it's a little more complex that that. It seems that what's happening is that even though each layout is referencing the same event sheet includes, it's compiling those events for EVERY layout - even though they are referencing the same events.

    Here's how I know: I didn't touch the events at all. I simply made another blank event sheet. Then I made every layout (except for 1) use the blank event sheet. My preview time went from almost 3 Mins to 20 Secs!! (and this is with about 50 layouts and 5000+ events) This discovery is HUGE for me. It's going to make developing the game so much easier as I can simply turn on the real event sheet for whatever layout(s) I'm currently working on.

    However, this doesn't do anything to fix the final build's startup load time (which will have to have the real event sheets turned on for each layout). So, outside of creating a level editor (which is something I may end up doing) I'm not sure what I can do to fix this.

    If there was a way to add event sheet includes at runtime it would probably be the easiest solution but I don't know of any way to do that. Would something like that be possible in Python?

    Does anyone have any suggestions?

  • For the past year my 3-person team and I have been working on Treasure Adventure World, a commercial platform adventure game using Scirra's Construct Classic. Many of you here have helped me at one point or another as I've been learning the ins-and-outs of CC. So far you (and CC) have not let me down.

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    We're also running a pre-order campaign and there's more info about that at the end of the video.

  • Again I must request help from the Construct-gods. I can never wrap my head around some effects.

    What I'm looking to do is have two sprites layered on top of each other. The top-most sprite is semi transparent so you can see the sprite below it. The bottom sprite is bigger than the top sprite but I only want the part of the sprite that is underneath the top sprite to be shown.

    I made an example cap to demonstrate:

    I want the "eye pupil" sprite to only be visible underneath the "eye lens" piece. All the yellow part thats outside the "lens" should be invisible.

    Is this possible? I feel like it should be but I dont know what combination of effects will do it. Thanks!

  • Wow this is well on it's way to being a great game. First, the menus impressed me right from the beginning. They have a nice "game-feel" to them. My only issue was that I thought that the charge shot didn't seem to get any more powerful as the weapon was upgraded. By the time my weapon was at level 4 is was more powerful than the charge shot which made it pointless to charge it.

    Also, usually with games like this I like to just hold down the attack button instead of spamming it. Maybe you can make the weapon charge when the player isn't holding down the attack key? So if you hold down ATTACK it'll keep shooting regular shots and if you let go of it it'll start charging. I think this would be a better control scheme, personally.

    Keep it up!

  • I'm impressed that this was made after just 1 day with CC. You clearly already have a decent understanding of game design and the art style is great. I'll be interested in seeing your future work.

  • Thanks Lucid!

  • Is there any chance someone could post a new link for this plug-in? Thanks!