rjcook1985's Forum Posts

  • 15 posts
  • I'm trying to put a simple prototype together for something, and I'm running into a bizarre issue just trying to put some platforms in the scene...

    Using a tilemap for visual (no solid), and a basic sprite for the platform overlay (solid). Problem is, the position of both wildly changes when I run it. No idea why.

    My best guess is it has something to do with the layout size (512, 1024) vs. the window size (500, 256). But what I don't get is why the camera isn't scrolling to the object I have that behavior set too? I can't anchor the camera/window bounds to the bottom of the layout, otherwise this would be easily solved. I need the elongated layout for a scene in my game that involves a tower, so shortening the layout isn't an option.

    So again, any idea why this is happening? It seems like such a bizarre thing. Pics below.

    Thanks for the help.




  • As a response to this and after tons of looking around the forums, this guys example is probably the closest I could find to what I'm trying to achieve.

    Download the .capx from his page if you need more reference. The only issue here is that the player is always centered in the screen eventually. I would like the player to be situated on either the left or right side, give or take a little padding. Even messing with this for hours, I couldn't achieve it.

    This has not been a productive night to say the least. Someone please help.

  • Followed this tutorial for scripting out a lerp camera youtube.com/watch

    Works great, except for one thing he didn't cover.

    When my player jumps, the camera jumps with it. Just as scroll to behavior should. But I don't want it to do that, because when I jump, the floor beneath me disappears, and that makes level design not fun for many reasons.

    So the question - how do I force a fixed Y coordinate on the camera when jumping? I want it to lerp every other time. But not when I'm jumping or moving forward in that local space.

    Here is a visual example of my issue -

    Player on floor, where I want camera to be fixed and lerping left/right during movement AND jumping:

    Player jumping, the camera follows, floor disappears beneath:

    And pictures of my Event Sheet:

    Tried everything under the sun I can think of, but just can't wrap my head around the logic needed to do what should be a simple, simple thing. Very annoying.

    Any help is appreciated.

  • Thank you for the quick reply szymek. I'm not sure how to go about the process of signing it, but I'll look into it. Hopefully I can get more information about this from the forums or from ASHLEY.

    Thanks again!

  • So I just recently sent our publisher a build of our game, and after telling me it failed to load, I didn't know what was going on. I checked the build on my end and it plays fine.

    <img src="http://gyazo.com/a1984ec89f8c391643c8cec02c08a704.png" border="0" />

    He sent me this in an email. He is native Japanese, so I don't know if it's a region thing or what, but I don't even know what to ask him to clarify for me if it has anything to do with the computer he's playing it on, which shouldn't be an issue in the first place as long as it's Windows XP or above. All help is appreciated. Thanks guys.

  • I have a scene where I have already placed enemies, but had planned on placing sfx to them after the fact. Basically, I click on them in the project window in one layout, set the sfx and done. But when I click to the next layout, all of those sounds are now null.

    Any idea why it's not retaining these sfx layout to layout? So I don't have to go through 13 layouts each time I link sfx? Thanks everyone.

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  • Could any of you guys interested please send me an email with your work examples. I will be setting up interviews soon, and I do not have the rep to private message here just yet, since I am new to the forums.

    Email is - rjcook1985vqi@gmail.com

    Thanks guys.

  • Thank you for the replies so far guys. I'm sorry about the lack of details, but the feedback has been valuable.


    In this case, the definition of the alpha would be placeholder or non-animated assets on a single map made to demonstrate the games mechanics in a simple but functional manner. Some assets will be created in the first 2 weeks of the game that may take the place of whatever is built into the alpha.

    I may have to consult some more, but the logic tells me that simple controls and AI will not make this a difficult project. I could be wrong, but again, I would have to consult some more. I appreciate the opinion though and will take that into consideration.

    tamngon and encrypted

    I've made note of you both and will contact you for screening and interviews once I make the official post here in about a week. Fun games, thanks for the replies!

  • Alright, so the official posting will be coming soon, but I am currently putting together a 4 month project for a relatively simple iOS and Android puzzle/adventure game that will make use of 4 simple touch gestures for controls, but will have a large amount of content in puzzles and also "boss fights". The details will be in the original post, but that is a basic summary. It will require a good amount of scripting events and things like that, but the basis model is pretty simple, and we'll be using C2 for the framework of it all.

    What I wanted to post this for, was to gather a bit of research about what programmers would be willing to work for with this project. There are certainly opportunities here. My 2 clients work on the marketing side in the triple A industry for a very big company. However, they are investing their personal funds into this project that I am heading up, and because they prefer to keep the budget tight, I have little to work with, but am doing this as my own opportunity to expand my resume also.

    Because of the size of the project and risks involved, I will be paying per milestone. The entire project will be done by a total team of 5 people, in phases over the course of the 4 months(i.e. only that role will be brought in and paid for when needed). I have no qualms about the paper experience of the candidates, just as long as they have good working examples and a hunger to get into the industry. This is a gateway opportunity that can lead to some very good references and recommendations in the industry. Keep your day job, as long as you make the milestones, you'll make a little extra money and gain a lot of experience for your own resume.

    Current pay is $500 for the alpha version of the game at the end of the first dev month, $700 for the beta at the end of the 3rd dev month, and $700 for the finished game at the end of the 4th dev month.

    With that said.. experienced programmers out there.. based on your personal experience and where you started, please let me know which figures you would go for in this sort of project. If the numbers above are too little or not. I know it's difficult without details, but any opinions are appreciated.

    Thank you for everything, and again, the official post will be up soon.

  • Decent workaround but even setting "locked" or "unlocked" on layers is tedious when you have 20+ layers. Thank you for the hotkey shortcut though.

  • Is there a way to do this? As in selecting all objects on a layer with not having to drag a selection box across all objects in a potentially very large scene. This is something that's hindering my workflow, so was wondering if it's possible.

    Also wondering about a "lock all" or "unlock all" or "solo" sort of selection method for layers. Would be nice to have since some projects of mine get up to a lot of layers, so being able to keep my workflow up with these options would be a good thing.

    I apologize if all of this can already be done and I'm just missing it, but any help is appreciated. Thanks guys.

  • I'm having a lot of issues with this transitioning between Spriter and C2 with my sprites. Let's see if I paint this picture clearly.

    In Spriter, I have a group of 2 entities, each with their own animations. Now, I drag that .scml file into C2, and it creates an instance for each entity in the layout. Got that.

    Here's where it falls apart for me. The instance is controlled by the object type right? However, in the objects window, there is only one object. Now, it's my understanding that the object type controls which entity and animation the instance responds to, so the question is how to control multiple instances from only one object type?

    I've tried cloning the object type, and I get the message "The object type is filtering by objects on the current layout. The type you have just cloned won't appear until you place an instance of it on the current layout".

    But how to do that? There's already a second instance on the layout. What gives?

    I'm aware that Spriter to C2 functionality is still a work in progress, but it's so confusing to use right now that I'm completely lost and might end up just directly importing into C2 my animations to avoid such hassle. It's just way more complicated than a simple "drag and drop" as what it's painted out to be. Either that or I'm missing several steps somewhere else because finding consistent documentation on it is a maze in of itself.

    Sorry for the rant guys, but I'm pulling my hair out over these complications. If anyone can help or point me in the direction of some consistent resource material explaining what I need to know, I would appreciate it. Thanks everyone.

  • I know there must be a way to do this, but it's very obscure if so.

    "Apply to whole animation" only applies the origin point to all frames, not the same collider. What I would like to do is apply the same collider box to all frames.

    The said animation was imported from Spriter, so it's collisions were guessed and are very wonky. They need fixed, and I'd like to be able to only do it on one frame and have it copied to the rest of the 39 frames.

    How to go about with this?


  • So being new to this, I've worked out that to share events between two layouts is done by rmb click, add event sheet.

    However, when I do this, it doesn't show any event sheets.



    Both are called "event sheet 1", and I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but I don't think you can rename it? So I don't know what I'm missing here. Basically, I'm trying to copy controls over from one project to another.

    Help is appreciated. Thanks guys.

  • Basic error opening scene.


    All but this one scene open fine in C2. Only when I open this one I get this error.

    Don't know why, I'm new to C2, so I don't know how to remedy this. Thanks for the help guys.

  • 15 posts