risto's Forum Posts

  • .ogv, interesting, I will have to check out how it works in construct. I just assumed that video would take to much space. I actually made a kind of point and click game based on video recordings of a real world place, but exported it to images instead of having videos. It pretty cool when the camera moves in a otherwise static environment, I will have to check it out

    Yeah, stealth fits well. I didn't know about The Witch's House, looks pretty interesting. I really like the mood in Silent Hill 1 and 2, but the puzzles, could get a little frustrating. You had to find the parts AND figure out the puzzle. I remember that I a couple of times was wondering whenever I should look for more parts or try to figure out the puzzle with what I already have. I guess that what you mean with environmental puzzles is more about finding the parts, instead of focusing on putting them together in the right order? I watched some game play from a ps1 game "forget me not Pallet", also made in rpg maker. Its not a horror game but might have similar puzzles, but focus also on unfolding forgotten memories.

    Nice, I'm not reading that often on this forum, but I added the rss from your youtube channel. Good luck with the project

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  • Cool game I really like the idea of rendering 3D art in 2D games, like Diablo 2 and Starcraft, like in the old days. Its nice to not have to care about poly count, texture resolutions and stuffs, just export it and handle the layers in the engine, right?

    Does it take a lot of memory with the cut scenes and art assets?

    Are the combat going to be like in Lone Survivor, like hiding in the shadows? And are there going to be puzzles?