risto's Forum Posts

  • Most of the things you have pointed out where fixed on today stream session and a new version will be uploaded shortly

    Wow, that was fast! Pretty much like how I imagined it Maybe like targets in practice shooting or turrets or something that don't need complex AI?

    Gameplay loop will be a little more vast then that, and im currently working on the story (which have been updated today) which explains what the goal of the game will be, but more story will be added later on.

    Tbh, I usually don't focus that much on the story when I play games, but sounds pretty cool, a little like metal gear? What I was thinking when I wrote gameplay loop was more like how combat would work, like in frozen synapse or XCom, or more rts like, like in starcraft 2s hero missions?

  • Great I think it would work with 1 or 2 levels just explaining the basic mechanics, like swinging without enemies, and then add more enemies and hazards later on. But don't make then to minimalistic, its always nice with some secrets and collectables for replay value.

    Cool song! I'm not sure if it out of scope, but would be nice if you would play some levels above ground in the normal world and then having a level where you challenge the devil, and the level is extremely hard so you basically has to have played the game before to complete it. Then when you lose, you end up in hell and has to work your way up, to later challenge the devil again in the end

  • Cool concept and great art!

    It would be nice with some kind of tutorial level, like with a text box on screen explaining the swing mechanic while you can try it out. I skimmed the text page and then got lost when the game starts

    A tutorial level could also be a lot easier, and smaller, so the difficulty ramps up a little.

    That said I really like the game concept, where did you get inspiration for it?

  • Cool prototype

    I like the effect when you got to decide where to move the characters and in what angle its going to face.

    That said I got a little confused at first when I opened the game. I think you can do a couple of things to make it more clear like: Add numbers / colors on the side buttons for selection units. When a unit is selected make it light up or have a circle around them.

    It might also work to only use one button, to click for position and then hold and release for the rotation?

    What is the game play loop going to be like? Do you have some kind of action points and a set distant to walk?

  • A falling platformer with generated levels about digitally infiltration of machine ruled cooperations.

    Play Column 5: http://www.kongregate.com/games/ETCLundberg/column-5

    The game is inspired by Downwell, but with shorter rounds and with upgrades that carry over rounds. The current build is a demo, and I want to add more content later on.

    Is the game to hard?

    Does the level up system make sense? If not, any ideas on how to improve it?

    Any ideas on different hazards/enemy types?

    All kinds of feedback is appreciated <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • We tried to find a good in-between for the Bonus. In this new version, there will be a slow down to signal the end of the power-up as you suggested. It will not signal too early to keep the idea of unpredictability.

    The color fade of the power up makes it very clear the background wasn't there before, right? anyway looks pretty cool!

    The slowdown at the end works, but might be a little overkill, I'm not really sure. But would be cool if it speeds up when you take the power up and then slow down just in the end.

    I also like the bouncy enemies, didn't experience a lot of the birds.

    I generally like fast falling, but it feels a little contra intuative on touch. It might be a idea to just fall faster when you release the touch, maybe?

    Good luck!

  • The art is very clean and clear, no confusion on what to pay attention to.

    The climb function is interesting, but it feels a little to slow. It depends a little how the rest of the game will be, if theres a lot of checkpoints and you replay each part a lot, slow climbing might be annoying. But if its a more relaxed difficulty level, its okay to climb slow over the level once.

    I also like how theres no walls at the side, looks clean and a mix up of what you normally see.

    It will be interesting to see more level added, and how the exploration and backtrack will work. Good luck!

  • Cool pac-man variant. I especially like the trapdoors. Hard to give any feedback without having played the original game, but it would be interesting to make some variants of it, but I guess you want it to be as close as possible to the original?

    The screen is not centered on the x-axis, and I think the continue markers can be put on the sides and remove the black boarder on top and bottom to maximize screen space in full screen.

    The AI also looks a little aimless, in pac-man some of the ghosts hunt you, theres no power up here but instead you can hide quickly by the trap doors.

    Interesting to see a remakes of old arcade games. Theres a lot of games, like pre nes, that I have no clue of, so its nice to see some other sources of inspiration

  • Interesting with the level ups and equipment upgrades, a lot of content in the "big feedback loop".

    I think that a lot people might be put of by the lack of "game feel", like particles, big bullets and screen shake. And not play all the way, to experience the rest of the content. I don't think the game needs to be a super intense action game, but I think particles and exp pop ups would make a big of difference.

    I also like the generating shield. Would be interesting if you could do other things with it, like running or rolling. Just to make some mix up in the movement.

    I only tried the beginning, but it feels like theres a lot of content: levels and quests to experience!

  • We like this idea of taking a bonus but with the risk of crashing into something at the end. A bit like in Mario Kart Double Dash when you use the chomp chomp and it releases you in a curve and end up in the grass.

    Interesting idea, I like it. As long as it feels fair to the players.

    I actually played a lot of Mario Kart Double Dash, in mario kart 8 they changed it to a kind of piraya plant which gives the player boosts like every other second which requires timing to slide correctly. Its a little more challenging to use while you have the power up, but don't have the same potential of backfire at the end. I try to think of other games with power ups with potential backfiring, but can't come up with any... Maybe pac-man, when it ends right in front of a ghost, but I'm not sure how often that happens in games. Interesting idea

    We hope to make a looot of backgrounds and contents once we have a solid gameplay

    Thats good, gameplay first

    I like that the game have a "macro loop" with coins and unlocking levels, this early. Most of the prototypes of mobile game I have made don't have the big loop, which I have started to think is kind of necessary.

  • Thanks, mate!

    Be sure to check LaffeTheFox's Soundcloud page. He has tons of other fun chiptunes around here.

    He is working on his 2nd album at the moment.

    Thanks for the link, a lot of good stuff there!

    Here is the actual logic (as of version 0.6.9):

    I like the "level" approach to random generation, I used a similar version in a game I made. One idea for Bikosaur might be to change the probability of having the things appear, like instead of:

    Lvl 2 - 101 >= 400

    Obstacles: Y - Every 2 blocks.

    Enemies: N

    Holes: N

    It would be like:

    Lvl 2 - 101 >= 400

    Obstacles: 50%

    Enemies: 10%

    Holes: 1%

    Lvl 3 - 401 >= 1000

    Obstacles: 5%

    Enemies: 50%

    Holes: 5%

    In that way its possible to get a similarity control of the changes in the level, but it will also feel a little more unpredictable. And you can rise the probability of holes the more you progress, instead of just having it holes / no holes.

    This approach might generate impossible levels, like holes + obsticles + enemies. So another approach might be to have static parts like now (mostly enemies, mostly holes, mostly obstacles ), but have hard and easy versions of the part which have a higher probability to show up the more you progress. I'm not sure if its clear...? Anyway, its interesting with different ways to generate levels

    Thanks! I took those design ideas from Rayman series, and Donkey Kong.

    Tons of impressive parallax & background effects to inspire you.

    Yes, I really like the new Rayman games! I would say that they have among the best visuals in game play collisions (...?) or how to say it. Theres a lot of cool visuals, which also fits into the game play, I think I have not played the new Donkey Kong Country games, but they are definitely on the to play list.

    Most of the times when I make games, its in a short time, like game jams, so I usually don't get to spend the extra time on details in the graphics. But I will try to think about a way to add more of details in new projects, because it makes a lot of difference

  • > Anyway, now I can actually play the game. I'm curios about that 10th level, thanks!


    It don't think it was anything particular, more that a lot of the levels was solved on just a few moving around of the blocks, but for some reason I just tried a lot of different things on it but nothings seemed to work. I eventually beat it, but it kind of destroys the flow (with all of the fast levels before), and if I would have played the game on the buss I would probably have dropped it.

    I don't think level design is a exact science, so one idea might be to just have a lot of people test the levels and notice which ones takes more time to solve. I also think that it might have something to do with the number of possible solution. in world 2 theres a lot of puzzles with few pieces and few solutions, probably just one or two which you see right away, but when theres a lot of pieces and few solutions, you run into dead ends quickly and basically have to start over the level by removing all of the pieces. That might be the reason, but I'm not sure what made world 1 level 10 part 2 stand out from the rest of them.

  • Yes, it was unclear that it is possible to rotate the blocks. I think the design would be more clean if it was not possible to rotate the blocks, but it might get harder to make a lot of levels. One idea might also be to hint after a while with some gray lines that the blocks should be rotated.

    I think its possible to make a "rotate towards angle" to get a rotation effect.

    The graphics is very nice, but its a little confusing when all the blocks are the same color. One idea might be to have some slight variations of tone or shades, just to make them look a little different.

    I really got stuck on level 10:2, I'm not sure how the difficulty are suppose to be, like if all levels are going to be the on a fairly equal level or if you want to mix harder and easier once, If you want to mix them, it might be an idea to indicate the harder once clearly.

    It would also be cool with none-linear level progression, but I'm not sure if it "sells" on mobile.

    I like the touch of how the screen scrolling down when you complete the level. Would be cool if it was some kind of effect, maybe water inside the darker area when you complete the level

  • Nice background and music

    How does the level random generation work? Because its feels like holes are a lot more dangerous then the cats and stones are. Maybe add more holes, make the cats more dangerous or make holes less dangerous (by respawn the player with fewer hearts)?

    I also like the details of fruits on the floor and leaves in in the top

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  • Very charming graphics

    When I pick up the booster ability can it also destroy cones? Might also work to blink the ability when its about to run out.

    I also like how the character changes outfit depending on the levels