Ricethin's Forum Posts

  • Hm, that doesn't seem to be the issue. It's a 27 x 28 PNG imported directly into the image editor. Curious.

  • Thank you! I'll check it out!

  • Hi all,

    Trying my best to use the "set cursor from sprite" action using NW.JS, but for some reason it just doesn't want to replace the mouse.

    The 'set cursor style' action works just fine.

    Any tips? Thanks in advance.

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  • Ashley - I'll look into it - I use some third party plugins, so they may be breaking something, and I don't want to file a bug without repro

    I do usually crop the sprites to 'center' them as far as C2 is concerned, but thank you for the help!

  • I'm not sure if it's a bug, but I can file it later.

    The problem is that during development, some sprites ARE identical.

    So, for example, I have sprite.




    Both of which are 32 x 32 pink squares.

    Those will be developed into art assets and inserted along the pipeline.

    During deployment to a HTML5 site however, AppliancePlaceholder-sheet0.png *doesn't* get exported as an image - in the /images/ folder after export. Meaning I have to manually make a copy of FurniturePlaceholder-sheet0.png and rename it to AppliancePlaceholder-sheet0.png to make the project work - (otherwise it throws a 404).

    Do you think that's worth filing?

    Thanks for your help and all you do!

  • Looking here:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/577/co ... imisations

    This may be by design as image deduplication. However... it breaks my project since the 404 is a non-start error.


    Deduplication was the error. I managed to fix it by just creating copies of the images and renaming them. Not much of a workaround, but it will do during development I suppose <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Yea... even with it set to medium other image export errors happen, giving me 404s when I try to run the files.

    A bunch of the images for spritesheets are missing.

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

    c2runtime.js:117 Error loading image 'http://ricethin.com/beans/demobuild/images/dialogsecondpartyfaceholder-sheet0.png': Eventa.onerror c2runtime.js:117

    http://ricethin.com/beans/demobuild/ima ... sheet2.png Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

    c2runtime.js:117 Error loading image 'http://ricethin.com/beans/demobuild/images/furnitureselector-sheet2.png': Eventa.onerror c2runtime.js:117

    http://ricethin.com/beans/demobuild/ima ... sheet2.png Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

    c2runtime.js:117 Error loading image 'http://ricethin.com/beans/demobuild/images/mom-sheet2.png': Eventa.onerror c2runtime.js:117

    http://ricethin.com/beans/demobuild/ima ... sheet1.png Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

    c2runtime.js:117 Error loading image 'http://ricethin.com/beans/demobuild/images/employeeplaceholder-sheet1.png': Eventa.onerror c2runtime.js:117

    http://ricethin.com/beans/demobuild/ima ... sheet1.png Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

    c2runtime.js:117 Error loading image 'http://ricethin.com/beans/demobuild/images/supplyselector-sheet1.png': Eventa.onerror c2runtime.js:117

    On top of that, when exporting NW JS, this all works fine <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

  • Okay! I'll try the export again without that downscaling mode selected when home.

    Will let you all know. Thank you for the feedback!

  • Hey,

    For some reason, C2 is doing things like this to images:

    And... I have no idea why. This only happens when exporting the HTML version on the latest stable.

    NW JS works fine.

    Any suggestions? I've reinstalled and restarted everything, and this is a new, sudden issue.

  • I dig that procedural animation.

    Mostly because I'm horrible at animation

  • Some of these are me, and others are Kenney's Public Domain pack on itch.io!

  • Beans is a simulator game about crazy people who make crazy beverages in a crazy coffee shop.

    Beans is also a passion project. I met my wife in a Starbucks, and I’ve always had a bit of a preoccupation with the strange things people say and do in coffee shops.

    We do our best to lampoon a few aspects of coffee culture, and we think you’ll really like it. If you’re a fan of the ‘tycoon’ games – read on.


    Build your own coffee shop from the ground up – which is how buildings are usually constructed.

    Muscle out the competition and take over the coffee business in five locations around Townburgh.

    Train your employees and unlock skill trees to make the ultimate coffee czar.

    Research delicious recipes involving coffee, bagels, and blenders – sometimes at once!

    Chiptune Jazz soundtrack which is either soothing or annoying depending on your taste.

    More things that will inevitably creep in and slow development to a crawl!

    Cool Stuff

    I greatly enjoy collaborating on games, and we're basically cobbling this together. If you'd like to see some more screenshots: https://www.facebook.com/coffeebeansgame/photos_stream

    You can always fork me or grab a build on GitHub - I'd love to hear what you think

    Warning - the project is a massive mess. Check the Readme.MD for the plugins you'll need, too.

    I'll repost as I dev blog! Cheers guys, keep doing everything you do.


  • Random comment - was never happier than to have these autosaves this morning.

    Stupid Windows updates.

  • I'm honestly most proud of the music and art in this, but here's a C2 android game I put out last year.

    https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... scar&hl=en

  • This makes my nostalgia quiver.