Ribis's Forum Posts

  • ok, I made a picture of my idea:

    <img src="http://www.apophisgame.com/TABLE.png" border="0" />

    when one user will register on my game, the php will make a new row for all of the table with the ID of the user.

    when someone save the game, the variable will save in all of the table.

    it's possible this scheme?

    could work?

    Thank you!!

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  • Hi everybody,

    I have a good question because I am a little bit confused about the savegame on construct2...

    if we like to make some GDR ( a lot of items, life, power...etc..) we need to savegame all of the data, the maps( where is player on the map, what he miss...etc...)

    I tested the local savegame and it's working... the problem is when I remove the cache from the computer...(bye bye savegame)

    now, i don't know how work the google store (if it has some special folder for the app (like a folder where all files are save ..etc)

    now, I need to now the best system to make a local savegame, for don't delete the savegame from by mistake... because when I save the game, if i delete the cache I will lost all of the data!!

    Thank you!!!

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Maybe you should view some tutorials on PHP and MYSQL before you tackle something like this?



    Thank you for the links,

    I will publish some idea about the php and the options of the database soon...

  • Yes, I think about that...

    every users have item1,item2... with a different row to setup the item...

    my problem is the php, I now how I can make the logic "system", but when I think how I can write the code in php grow up a big problem...

    for example, it's possible to make a code on the MYSQL, or on php, to recognize when the database have a new user and for that the database will make all of the rule for new users? like make a row for item1,item2,life,point,score....etx (off course it's possible, but i don't know how I can write the code in php, and insert on construct2...)

    I don't know how I can write the code to write on the database (like edit a item when the user save the game...etc <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Thank you so much!!!

  • Glad it worked! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    You could further security by encrypting the passwords inside the MYSQL database, and make the AJAX post parameters more complex then password or username.

    Just to name a few things.

    Thank you for the suggestion, I never use the PHP or the MYSQL for this case, for me it's very difficult...

    I love to understand this topic (mysql, php...) because for me it's difficult and I need that for make my game...

    have a savegame on the database with login, customize avatars...etc will be fantastic...

    I just find a few topics about this topic...

    Do you think it's good idea to save the items, avatar, variable of user... in one row? or it's good to make a new table for this case?

    Thank you!! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hey Ribis,

    Try using this example I scrounged up-

    Make sure you have a web server, such as WAMP server on your local computer.

    Be sure to use the SQL document and import it into PhpMyAdmin or what ever MYSQL administration you use.

    Export and upload your project, as well as the PHP files.

    The test username and password should be: test01


    thank you so much!!!

    it's working!! It's just what I needed!! easy example!!

    now, I need to study the PHP for make safe the database from some attack and add some information like a e-mail..etc

    I found

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    how it's possible to make a safe login/register...etc etc

    I think it's good idea to adabt this example for construct2...

    Have a savegame system on the database with a username/pass/e-mail it's very important!

    Thank you again! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • do you know some link with the example in php (tutorial, step by step) and the project in construct2?

    why it's not secure?

    Thank you!!

  • Hi everybody,

    I have a big question for everybody... <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle"> <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    I search on the forum a lot of topic about the database, savegame...ecc but all of the topics are separated or confusing..

    I think it's very important to understand this topic, and I have a lot of counfusion about this argument.

    I would like to make with a construct 2 a page with a login and registration for the user (user, pass, e-mail) , for save a savegame in the database for every users.

    i know a little bit of php and database. ( I use just for edit the website, like magento, joomla...ecc)

    for instance:

    if we have the access of the database by XAMPP it's possible to use the local database and run a PHP file to test the example from construct2?

    somebody know this topic? we can use this topic to post example, php file, database file...ecc

    it's very complicated to make a login with the savegame? like to save a item, life, score...ecc...ecc?

    Thank you!!

  • Hi averybody,

    Somebody can post an example of construct2 with a register and login with the php file?

    I would like to make a savegame with a registration... it's very important for me...

    somebody knows some example, tutorial? my problem it's the php file, and eventually how I can implement on construct2...

    thank you very much!!!

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    PS: is it important to associate an ID for every user? because if somebody use the same nickname... it's possible to check a the users name on the database before the registration?

    sorry for my English, if somebody have a tutorial with file it's perfect...

    thank you again!!

  • I think is very important this feature...

    is very important integrate all button from device in construct2, because the developer need to access this for edit the game and select options (save game, load game, options...)

    sometimes, is possible to make a button on screen for this work but is different, the back button is working only quit game for now.

    I hope, in short time is possible to edit the button function in android and another device!

    Contruct2 is the best

  • Hello everyone,

    here is a video of the alpha version of the game:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    proof of the animations and the first actions (turns around in full screen)

    tips? comments?

    thank you very much!

  • Hi

    Is possible move a sprite to new angle using lerp?

    I have 1 Global number variable for angle to sprite.

    in a event, I setting the new number on variable, and sprite change hers angle, but not use lerp...

    thank you very much and sorry for my English

    <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Here's a similar example in C2:


    thank you very much for your response

    but I noticed that the example of construct 2 is much slower than that of contruct ...

    by Why not? the ghost sometimes go too fast or too slow ..

    thank you very much :)

  • thank you for answering

    I intend to take a simple example of a construct to contruct 2 ...

    it is Array ... only that the commands are different: S

    txh all

  • Hi all,

    I found 1 project for contruct classic!

    i tried to manual convert for construct 2... the code is different...


    The array is hard for me...

    sorry for my english

    thx all