Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • I have a Family that I created right after I bought the personal license. Prior to adding the (currently only) object to that family, that object, itself, had the Pathfinding behavior. However, I noticed now that the family (not just the object) the object is in had the Pathfinding behavior, as I intended. That is, the object alone no longer has the behavior. The curious thing is that the Pathfinding behavior in the properties bar and in the event sheets is labeled as Pathfinding2. I was curious as to why the 2 is there. Does it perhaps have anything to do with the fact that I added Pathfinding behavior to the family AFTER adding the object while the object, too, still had the same behavior?

  • *squints at screen...facedesk* ...oh bother...

    You have helped me instead discover and solve another problem: I must be "blind".

  • LOL I'll be here.

  • Sure.


    The objects in question are CanHearRange and LOS, and stretch between objects CharPlayer and CharEnemy...though I have a little bit of fixing to do with the way the CanHearRange object behaves given certain conditions. Right now I'm only worried about getting CanHearRange to appear BELOW LOS. You can find the relevant Events on the ES CharEnemy Event sheet.


  • I don't have reason yet to think this is a bug (though I am using the latest beta - r128.2), thus the help request.

    I have two objects that have the same angle and width between two other mobile objects. One has a slightly different height so that it stands out below the other on the Z-axis.

    Because one tests two different things but uses the same information (namely, distance between the two mobile objects), I need them one over the other. However, no matter how much I rearrange them in the Z-axis bar, they always appear in preview mode in the wrong order.

    Is there something to rearranging objects in the Z-axis bar that I'm missing? They're on the same layer, so that's not a problem. I've checked my events... Every tick | Move object 1 behind object 2. And object 1 should, ideally, appear behind object 2 on the layout during preview...except, it's not.

    Any solutions? Something I'm missing?

  • Tom - I'm guessing that you've attempted a resolution to my recent badge issue, but it seems to have generated a small(er) problem as a result. *chuckles* I'll go double-check, but to my knowledge I have only downloaded a new release among the top three ONCE...and never as a Quick Draw the rest of the time. So I should still have only one Lightning Draw and zero Quick Draw badges. Right now it's showing that I have two Quick Draw badges. This second QD badge appeared just recently within the last two or three releases, but I'm positive I wasn't among the top 15 at all. Sorry for the extra trouble...I know you're working on it as best you can.

  • This was AWESOME. *bookmarked AND shared on my Facebook game developers group*

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  • Zero6 & ramones - Actually, you two just game me a good idea for what to do: Something to the affect of adjusting the acceleration and max speed after a certain value is reached.

    Something to the effect of

    Max speed: ###

    -> speed < ###

    --> acceleration = #

    -> speed >= ####

    --> acceleration = ##

    Or something to that effect.

    jayderyu - I actually like that "on animation frame" idea. ALSO good.

    Time to experiment...

    (Other ideas are welcome if you think of any.)

  • Later on, I plan to incorporate analog controls to my game using a USB Xbox controller to allow for micro-movement. But for now, I'm using digital, all-or-nothing controls while I get the game set up. With that in mind, I have the following scenario that I'd like some suggestions on how to make a reality...

    During my stealth game, there will be certain "audible" triggers that will alert the enemy that something/one is nearby, but it won't activate the chase status... Right now, I have a "water" object to simulate a puddle on the ground. When the player walks through it, it's suppose to generate a "splash" sound (that's to come later...). However! If you "tip-toe" through the puddle, virtually no sound will be made and the enemy will not be alerted. This is difficult to do when you have digital controls.

    So what I'm thinking is to have a test where an audio trigger won't be generated until the player has walked so many steps through the water. Say, every 10+ steps, alert enemy. If the player stops before reaching ten steps, then it's akin to having walked softly (slowly) through the water.

    I'm using the 8-Direction for controls via the keyboard presently. (Again, later on I will incorporate analog controls to make it easier to walk slow/fast. But not everyone will have analog controllers, of course.)

    Suggestions on how to make this work, please? Thank you!

  • GeometriX - I hear ya. I started using groups in a similar way that I'm now starting to use individual Event sheets: to keep things isolated and uncluttered. I still have more to learn about the ins-and-outs of both uses...

    The one thing that I'd definitely like to see is easier editing of the Event tabbing. Like use the left/right arrow keys to increase or decrease selected (and related sub) Events by one level. I imagine Ashley (playful hint-hint! ;) ) has thought of this and is aware of issues I'm not if this were to be tried.

  • GeometriX - So you like to have a very "categorical" sense of organization to your Events, but without much flipping through pages, eh?

  • shinkan - Exactly. It's those personal preferences and the reasons behind them that I'm interested. :) When either one will suffice just fine, what goes into the decision making for each person.

  • jbadams - That's VERY much what I'm looking for...or close to it. The tips are great, but the specific things I was interested were the WHY - as you mentioned in #3 - people do it. Like, why does one person use separate Event Sheets while another one doesn't? And so on. But those are great and give me a lot to consider, too.

  • shinkan - I totally understand. I started using separate Event sheets, too, so I can call on them when needed. It makes it easier to see what other Events I have that are related to each other.

    But your answer was precisely the sort of input I was looking for. :) The REASON behind what you do. :)

  • shinkan - That'll definitely help. :) But I'm just curious about individual habits. Like, what's the logic BEHIND why everyone does things the WAY they each do them.