Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • AND HERE IT IS, FOLKS! http://elf-games.com/mmiller/MrStickMiniDemo/

    My first demo of Mr Stick Vs The 2D Crew!!!

    (Check out updates at https://www.facebook.com/XionDevGroup

    You'll see very quickly that it is an incomplete demo. There is still much to be completed, but I'm going to get all of that worked out quickly.

    === UPDATE ===

    Here is a working track for the game (not yet added to the demo), as well.



    A quick note about the 2D Crew baddies.

    Square: Moves back and forth in a predetermined area. Will jump wildly when Mr Stick gets near.

    Trapezoid: "Harmless", but will spawn Circles that track Mr Stick and will explode after so much time...

    Circle (non-spawned): Patrols a given area slowly.

    Octagon: These mono-eyed fiends hang in the air and will spin from green to red, red to green. Beware when red!

    There are two other enemies that still need to be finished up... Rectangle (an expanding and contracting "platform") and Triangle (also an expanding and contracting fiend, but deadly to touch!). They will be implemented later.

    If you die (lose all three hearts), just hit the F5 key to reload the game.

  • BluePhaze - Understood about work. If I don't have it figured out by the time you're off, I would be so grateful if you could give it a closer look. Thank you for your input, either way. Means a lot.

    Anyway, to answer your questions...

    I am definitely trying to apply your tips from a while back about using custom variables to establish specific conditions.

    I have variables for

    • IsSpinning (Boolean)
    • StopEffectState (Text; determines whether Octagon color should be red or green and when to cause Mr Stick to be stuck in place when in range.)
    • IsClose (Boolean; using the distance() expression)
    • LookDirection (Text; to determine, ultimately, which eye animation to play...whether to look left-to-right or just look right, etc)
    • DistanceToStick (Number)
    • LookStraight (Boolean; similar to LookDirection and used in conjunction with DistanceToStick to determine when to use the LookStraight animation)
  • CAPX: https://www.dropbox.com/s/idqvx17cjb8sd0n/MrStickV1-4.capx

    EVENT SHEET: E 2D Crew

    LINE: 17 (Group "Octagon")

    Summary of desired results:

    Depending on the location (and distance) of Mr Stick relative to the objects EnemyOctagon and EnemyOctagonEye, the Eye will look to its right or left, whether in its green state or red state (see the animations for both objects). If the Octagon is spinning, transitioning from green to red or red to green, the eye will close momentarily, then resume its appropriate looking direction.

    I'll refer to both the Octagon body and the eye as just the Octagon, since technically it's one object when I finally get it all working...

    I'll try to further list the conditions I'm trying to set up...

    Mr Stick is close (within 500 pixels) + Octagon is not spinning

    • Mr Stick moves from left to right of Octagon (or right to left)

    Octagon looks from former direction to new direction based on Mr Stick's location.

    Mr Stick is more than 500 pixels away from Octagon

    Octagon looks forward, neither to left nor right.

    Octagon begins transition from red to green or green to red states

    Octagon eye closes until spinning animation is finished. Resumes appropriate eye direction depending on where Mr Stick is located. (NON-left-to-right (or right to left) animation.)

    So the conditions include checking if the Octagon is spinning, when Mr Stick moves from one side to another, and the distance Mr Stick is from the Octagon.

    The trouble I'm having is getting the Octagon to respond appropriately. In the capx I've shared, I have two instances of the Octagon (the eye and body are combined in a container). When I walk past each one, they will respond to Mr Stick walking past in one direction, but when I walk past in the opposite direction, they will not respond.

    I've restarted the event list several times, trying to catch any errors I might have made, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, if it's a bug in C2, itself, or if I'm missing a detail in the way events (specifically nested events) are handled.

    Could someone point out to me what I'm missing, please? Thanks!

  • This might have been mentioned in previous comments since this original post, but what is meant by "area-based scrolling"?

    And thank you for this plug-in! My friend, ArcadEd recommended it to me for a game I'm working on that makes use of some particular zooming and scaling of layers to create a top-down depth effect. I'm looking forward to using this.

  • blackhornet - Got it! Thank you, sir! As always, you're awesome.

  • Who knew that meteorology was such a complicated thing in C2?!

    (https://www.dropbox.com/s/e0ovspr3lfs6i ... Clouds.png)

    Above is the event sheet for my scenery events...background images and stuff.

    What I'm trying to do is have clouds randomly generated from the Cloud Generator object (there are three instances). Whenever the MakeCloudTimer reaches 0, that generator will spawn one of three different cloud images (separate sprites). The clouds will move between 40 to 60 pps to the left (so the Bullet behavior angle of motion should be 180).

    What I cannot figure out is why the "On Created" condition is not getting newly created/spawned clouds to work properly. They end up shooting off to the right (per the original parameters of the Cloud Family object). What is it I'm missing? Thanks.

  • I see it. Such a silly mistake. I knew better. Thanks for your help in catching that.

  • blackhornet - Ah, okay! But I'm confused: What does not having a background have to do with it?

  • CAPX: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2za8tfefx5vdeku/MrStickV1-2.capx

    NOTE: Use keys A and D to move left and right respectively.

    I have a suspicion that this is related to the use of the latest two beta releases (r167.1/.2), for in the prior beta releases everything was working fine. Another possibility is that it's related to the platform/Solid behavior objects I'm using, too. I don't know...these are just my guesses.

    What's happening is that when my platform character (Mr Stick; represented by MrStickBox which actually has the Platform behavior) goes a certain distance to the right, the sprite stops moving, but in the Debugger, you can clearly see that the X value for the object is increasing, showing that it should be moving to the right on-screen.

    I have checked behavior parameters, events on all event sheets, layout parameters, layer parameters. Just about everything I can think of and I don't see WHY it's getting stuck when I reach a certain distance to the right.

    Thank you for any suggestions or resolutions.

  • *BUMP*

  • CAPX: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2za8tfefx5vde ... kV1-2.capx

    NOTE: Controls require an Xbox USB controller at present. However, it is not relevant to this help request.

    I have a layer labeled HUD and I've set the Paralax to (0,0). Then I placed a Text object in the upper-left corner of the layer (layout "LO Level 1") within the dotted line box that represents the game window. But when I preview it, the Text object is much further inward.

    I cannot figure out why this is happening or how to correct it. Tips or solutions, please? Thanks!

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  • The gamepad object does indeed have several events that check for gamepads ("has", "on connected" and "are supported") but to my knowledge still require a button to be pressed (Y)

    Hmm...aw well. Your "press A to start" idea still blows this problem out of the water. I'm satisfied.

  • The easiest workaround is to have a button prompt like "Hit A to start".

    That's an excellent idea. I was kinda wondering how I might do something similar to that - even your idea about simulating that the button was pressed at all - but that hits the nail on the head. Thanks.

    I'm aware of the lack of gamepad option, too. I'll double-check if C2 has a "check for gamepad" option and take it from there. I'll surely make the keyboard usable.


  • CAPX: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j1xex9zpk1k3p ... ickV1.capx

    Select the layout "LO Level 1".

    D-pad to move left/right.

    A button: jump

    X button: throw rock

    I'm working on a platformer using the Xbox USB controller. The parameters for the Platform behavior are set to non-default so that the controls are relegated to the controller.

    Whenever I start up a layout to test new changes, the vast majority of the time the character in question will not move until after I've pushed one of the button (A/B/X/Y). For the life of me I do not understand why this is or how to remedy it.

    Anyone smarter than me have some advice? Thank you, deeply!

  • *bump*