RhettBlood's Forum Posts

  • Check out my new side scrolling shoot-em-up, post-apocalypse punk http://www.kongregate.com/games/RhettBl ... lypse-punk on kongregate.

  • Do you like mazes? Of course you do, so check out my new game on Kongregate. It's fun. http://www.kongregate.com/games/RhettBl ... h-of-mazes

  • I just noticed your other post and had a few ideas for mechanics that might add a bit of story to the game you want to make. Just pm me if you want to brain storm.

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  • Well I don't really think story is the main appeal of those game, since they mostly focus on resource management, creativity, as well as just how cool it is to make your own towns, but I'd have to say any story elements to them would be mostly subconscious. The joys watching your villagers go from job to home in banished, tells a bit about their daily lives. Watching them drop from starvation, is a great way of instilling the horror of knowing you are responsible for the virtual catastrophe. While a rebel group in tropico lets you know the islanders hate you, their dictator.

    Also there are plenty of other examples of games with implied, or just no story to it whatsoever. The original nazi zombies mode in world at war, only really hinted at a vague story, and it was a huge success.

  • I wouldn't necessarily describe them as tool boxes myself, I just think there's more then one aspect of gaming, and that sometimes you can be relaxed on the story aspect, if you have something else (such as building, or exploration) to take its place. By focusing on those mechanics you can leave the story to a quick intro, and outro, with other more ambiguous bits sprinkled around the game, all while leaving how they fit together up to the player. Don't starve is a good example of that.

    As for games getting boring in the middle, there are tons of ways to improve that, from simply giving the play a new and interesting way of shooting the enemies, to a setting change. I think the game that is best at offering ways of keeping it fresh would be fallout 4. If you're getting bored of the main plot, there are hundreds of side quest available, all with their own story arcs. Getting tired of the same part of Boston, pick a direction and go exploring. Wish there was a giant, cyber-punk-esqu, leveled city in the middle of the wasteland, build it. Just want to shoot waves of bad guys, walk for a minute in any direction. That is a game that knows how to keep it fresh.

  • I think that the success of those games, is in giving the player a chance to make their own stories. Tropico gives a clear setting, with plenty of ambiance. Civ allows the player to lead a nation with enough options to make every play through feel distinct. Minecraft lets the player do one thing so well, that they will make sprawling cities all you have to do is give the players the tools, and they'll come up with the stories.

  • you're welcome bud. Glad to be some help.

  • the way I make a machine gun is to have "mouse button is down", with "every x second", usually 0.3, then have it spawn bullet.

  • Thanks man, I didn't even know where to begin with this.

  • I am trying to make an idle clicker, that continues to add points after the game is shut off. Any help with the timer would be nice.

  • I was having the same problem, so I went to the forums and found someone using unity having the same issue. Glad that's resolved. Also that's a pretty good game.

  • Thanks man. I'm thinking about doing a sequel to clean some of the stuff up.

  • my latest game

    http://www.kongregate.com/games/RhettBl ... n-the-moon

    It's a side scroller, shoot-em-up. Let me know what you think.

  • Hello, I am a starting voice actor, and I am available for work. I have a naturally low, calm voice, but can do a wide range of voices. My rates a very reasonable. You can check out a few of my demos here https://www.voices.com/people/rhett_blood#demos

  • Oh, ok I see what you mean. Wow, now I feel like an idiot for not thinking about that.