rexrainbow's Forum Posts

  • corlenbelspar

    iFrame is a html5 element like text box, they could not be overlapped by sprites.

  • Zebbi

    See my new LOOP.capx :

    Add "system condition: Is with in angle" --

    CarF.Angle within 3 degrees of CarF.LJ.ForceAngle

    before angle checking, you could try to increase (insensitive) the "within" degrees or decrease (more sensitive) it to see the result.

  • Upate

    Add "condition: Compare playback time" to compare current playback time. And expression:VideoState to dump state of current video, for debug.


    Repeat: If PlayBackTime >= 7 then Set playback time to 3 , i.e go back previous playback time

    It works by my test. (Sampe capx)

    But skip: If PlayBackTime >= 7 then Set playback time to 3 will cause youtube player to "buffering" state. I have no idea how to solve it.

  • MaorKeshet

    [quote:29eeg8c8]SetPlaybacktime does not work on "skip" (for example, when JumpFrom=3 and JumpTo=7)

    The same action works fine on "repeat" (JunpFrom=7 and JumpTo=3)

    Could you provide a simple capx for this bug?

    All html elements like textbox object in C2 could not be overlapped by other sprites, since html element is not in canvas. They are at the top of all sprites.

    I tried to find a solution to play youtube video by official video plugin, which could be overlapped by sprites (ideally, I had not tried yet) , but had not success yet.

  • Properties only used inside engine/plugins could be dot syntax (, otherwise use bracket syntax (Object["property"]) -- For example, read properties of an object which came from a JSON string , or network, or call external javascript function call.

  • cr.logexport(self.dataJson["logradouro"])

    The reason is equal to request["responseText"]. after minify will become obj.a for example, uses obj["name"] to prevent name changing.

  • Zebbi

    The car AI is described in event 1~ 6 in your LOOP.capx.

    • event 1 : when to update the command of the car
    • event 3, 4 : turn left or turn right the car
    • event 5, 6 : slow down or speed up the car

    You might change these conditions.

    ( The leading angle is CarF.LJ.ForceAngle )

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  • Update

    • Add property "Show info", "Keyboard control".
    • Add trigger "condition:On player error" and expression:ErrorCode to get error code while error occurred.

    Thanks for sharing these code, frcol

    But I rename expression:ErrorMessage to expression:ErrorCode since the error data is a number.

  • frcol

    Thanks for sharing these code, I would merge them as soon as possible.

    Here is a solution to get video info like url of webm video by video ID.

    But I could not run it locally, error message No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present... had shown. ( The data could be fetched by browser directly. )

    Any idea?

  • newt

    Firebase (rex_firebase_leaderboard) is good at showing top N ranks in real-time.

    Parse (rex_parse_leaderboard) is good at showing ranks in pages.

  • If you like this demo, you might try this 3rd party behavior.

  • you might try rex_ljpotential, or rex_boids. I only made a racing demo using rex_ljpotential.

  • Update

    Add property "Control bar" to disable control bar. But the video could still be paused or resumed by clicked.


    I only add the 1st requirement.

  • Update

    Add action: pause, action: resume to pause or resume typing.


    Try these new features.

  • Zebbi

    I fixed in this capx, see event 9.