Sorry, I have no idea.
There had a cordova plugin of firebase-analytics but I did not make any cordova plugin.
"Google Analytics for Firebase" does not have html api, thus my plugins does not support that feature.
I plan to update all backendless related plugins to version 4, since version 1 api was not worked anymore.
Added to TODO. I will post a message on my facebook page when it finished.
Example of invoking cordova plugin, made by gonzdevour .It requires rex_hash plugin I guess.
The limitation of free firebase is 100 simultaneous connections.
But I did not study the size usage in database.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Uploaded again now. Sorry I put authentication plugin of C3 version into C2 repo.
Add to TODO now.
Yes, saving UID for instances reference is a possible solution, and you might need add "behinstProto.afterLoad" function to rebuild instances reference list. See official pin behavior for example.
"uid": this.pinObject ? this.pinObject.uid : -1,[/code:1j3g8myz] [code:1j3g8myz]this.pinObject = this.runtime.getObjectByUID(this.pinObjectUid);[/code:1j3g8myz]
Added, but there are already a lot of plugins in TODO list. I have no idea when to complete them, sorry.
Please providing a very simple test capx for your issue, thanks.
Thanks for replying quickly.
Page is reloaded after pressed F5 indeed in r54. But the break points are all gone, all js code are reloaded and has different uri (blob).
It's OK, I could use "debugger;" into code to add break point.
I had ported this behavior a month ago, but I had not wrote new document yet.
Here is the download links of my c3 plugins.