WorkSheet (Update:2013/07/18)
WorkSheet could execute function with parameters at specific time. (It's similar with "timeline" in C1.)
You can use worksheet to describe the flow of creating enemies in tower defense or create a beat game.
To use WorkSheet, you need to install Timeline plugin first.
Here is an example.
<img src="" border="0">
The step of start the worksheet are
1. "action: start work sheet", parse a commands string and start to run these commands.
The format of commands string is
a. each line has a command
b. format of command is
time,function name,param0,param1...
"time" is the elapsed time after "action: start work sheet" (in second).
There are two commands --
when over 1 second after start, call function "message" with param(0)="3" (string) and param(1)="Hi" (string)
when over 2 second after start, call function "message" with param(0)="2" (string) and param(1)="Hello" (string)
Other feature of commands string are
- using "//" at the line head to add a comment.
- WorkSheet will sort commands string by "time"
- You can use excel to create commands string, excepted using "\n" in the cell. The format of commands string is similar with csv.
The commands string can load from external file by AJAX.