Thanks, I had fixed it. I use public folder of dropbox to store zip plugin now, And it is my new download repo tool.
Or another way, register function in the behavior into the plugin, so that you could get the function reference directly. Just remember clean the reference when instance destroyed.
You need to get the reference of instance(sprite, maybe), then get the reference of behavior, finally you could get the reference of this function in the behavior.
Try Double "" in string to replace single "
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
You only could use string then transfer to JSON object since the parameter of expression only accepts string or number type.
Or add some actions to create JSON object by "key:value" pair.
I add some notes of this capx.
Fix bug when closing application.
You could use official function object, see this post.
I had fix these link in first post. Or you could use my new download tool.
It's a plugin bug, try to download nickname plugin again at first post. (I had changed the link)
The name of my function plugin(rex_function) is not equal to official function plugin(function), so that it will not overwrite official one.
Try Nickname plugin as boolean said.
I move wiki to here, this wiki site is created when I upload plugins to dropbox.