revin's Forum Posts

  • 15 posts
  • Hi,

    I would like to share my c2 game for android - SPIDER DEFENSE. It's a kind of tower defense game, but there are no waves, enemy is not movig along one path, etc. Enjoy.

    It's for free.

    <img src="https://lh6.ggpht/rMJ6BIK7KtdoLfV75enl839pBCJ0JjxZFl2neS-Zrf92xaViZl0UD2bdvHubPfx3OQ=w705" border="0" />

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi,

    I'm trying to develop plugin simmilar to to connect my game with gaming portal, but unfortunately it is too much for my JS skills. I would appreciate any help.

    If someone is interested in supporting my project please contact me :-)My budget is small but not too small to be a nice reward for help.



  • Hi,

    I've got the same problem. My game has 20 layots using (by include) the same Event sheet. When I open specific layout in Firefox pathfinding works fine. However, in the next "level" it crashes.

    My test shows that sprites are continously calculating path and can't trigger on path found. If you refresh the browser and go directly to the new "level"/layout everything is fine again.

    What is interesting, if I change destination to different one, which is not bigger than 100px pathfinding works.

    This issue is also "sometimes" present on mobile safari.

    Another test shows that if I don't use pathfinding in the "beginning" layout it works fine in the next one, but crashes in the following.

    Can it be some memory management problem in Firefox? Please help.



  • Hi,

    I have a problem with c2 canvas resizing at the beginnig of Phonegap app. I am trying to subtract 50px from height to fit adsense banner at the bottom, but it doesn't work (probably my lack of knowledge in jquery). However, onResize event works fine and after orientation change game rescales and adsense banner appears.

    Here is my changed code from index.html in resizing section:

    jQuery(window).resize(function() {cr_sizeCanvas(jQuery(window).width(), jQuery(window).height()-50);});

    Have you got any idea how to make it work from the beginning of the game?

  • d640k

    Maybe you should try to implement ads outside the game canvas? Try this:

    1. Set absolute position of ad DIV as 0,0

    2. Set absolute Y position of Game DIV as adDiv.Height

    3. Paste this to your Index.html:

    // Size the canvas to fill the browser viewport.

              jQuery(window).resize(function() {

                   cr_sizeCanvas(jQuery(window).width(), jQuery(window).height()-50);


    // Resizes canvas size at start to fit the ad banner

              jQuery(document).ready(function() {

                   cr_sizeCanvas(jQuery(window).width(), jQuery(window).height()-50);


    Adjust the value "50" to your adDiv.height.

    Works for me. Hope it will work for you :-)

  • Hi Ludei,

    thx for help. When do you plan next release?

  • Wow. It seems to be a common problem. My game has an online version which you can test here

    Apk is around 9mb.

    I tried to use AppMobi instead of CocoonJS, but result is even worse. Black screen appears and nothing else. Strange.

  • Hi,

    I've got a serious problem with CocoonJS version of my game. Loading of this game takes so long, that screen is turning off and going to the sleep mode. Unfortunately this behavior is unacceptable for Samsung Apps, and my game is rejected.

    Have you got any ideas how to disable sleep mode in CocoonJS?

  • Ok.

  • Hi,

    new powerfull tool is now available for us. However, it is not clear for me how to use CocoonJA IAP in my game. There are few questions regarding this issue:

    1. Is there any documentation from Ludei regarding IAP features in Construct2 plugin?

    2. How should we set up google play and appstore accounts to implement IAP's successfully?

    Have you got some experience in this field?

  • Thx, but I didn't express myself correctly. I didn't actucally mean buttons, but normal sprites and touch function on them. I use such sprites as my menu buttons.

  • Hi,

    just reporting, that after exporting my project in r99 buttons don't work. This is both on iOS and Android (AppMobi and CocoonJS). However, situtation does not occur in browser preview. Everything was OK in r95.

    Hope my post will help.



  • And I thought my situation is bad ... ;-)

  • Hi,

    thx for support.

    Appmobi currently doesn?t support Text Objects and Tiled BGs.

    Is Clear Background turned on in your Project Properties?

    Is Pixel Rounding on in your Project Properties?

    My settings:

    1. Clear background - NO

    2. Pixel rounding - YES

  • Hi,

    I am having problem with directcanvas compilation in appMobi. My app runs very well in the "phone browser" mode but when I set "direct canvas" on few issues come up:

    1. Text objects disappear

    2. Tiled background objects disappear

    3. All sprites are displayed in lowlowlowres

    The same results on iPhone4 and iPad(3).

    Please help if you know how to solve this problem.


  • 15 posts